Clermont County Recognizes National Public Safety Telecommunications Week

Clermont County Recognizes National Public Safety Telecommunications Week

Mr. John Kiskaden, Director of Public Safety and Emergency Services, accepts National Public Safety Telecommunications Week Proclamation from Commissioner Humphrey and Commissioner Uible.

Mr. John Kiskaden, Director of Public Safety and Emergency Services, accepts National Public Safety Telecommunications Week Proclamation from Commissioner Humphrey and Commissioner Uible.

Clermont County, OH – April 14th through the 20th is Public Safety Telecommunications Week and the Board of Clermont County Commissioners acknowledged those who serve with a proclamation during Session today.  President of the Board of Clermont County Commissioners, Ed Humphrey, asks others to acknowledge and recognize the significance of this week.  “We urge citizens to please join Clermont County and the nation in thanking dispatchers you work with or live near for the quality and important nature of the work they do,” stated Humphrey.

National Public Safety Telecommunications Week is designated as a time when citizens can thank public safety men and women who respond to emergency calls and dispatch emergency professionals during times of crisis. Thousands of dedicated public safety dispatchers serve the citizens of the United States by answering their calls for police, fire, and emergency medical services and by dispatching the appropriate resources as quickly as possible.

Telecommunicators have a tremendously difficult job, balancing the needs of officers, telephone and walk-in traffic, and making sure resources are directed efficiently and without unnecessary delay. These men and women are the unsung heroes of our nation. They are often the point of first contact for people in need and the nature of the work involved can be busy and stressful. They perform very important and lifesaving services for our local communities and Americans are encouraged this week to show gratitude to 9-1-1 call takers, dispatchers, technicians that maintain radio and emergency phone systems, communications staff trainers, communications center personnel, and other public safety telecommunications staff across the country who work tirelessly and often behind the scenes in order to help all people during emergencies.

Public safety dispatchers are an extremely vital link for local law enforcement, fire and emergency medical services personnel; monitoring activities by radio, providing information and insuring safety. It’s often a thankless job; however Clermont County public safety dispatchers are known to extend compassion, understanding and professionalism during the performance of their duties. We urge all citizens to come forward and show their appreciation for those who work tirelessly in this field!

– See more at:

Rain Garden Grants Available

Batavia, Ohio – Want to build a rain garden, but need a little financial help?  The Clermont Soil and Water Conservation District invites property owners in the county to apply for a grant to plant a rain garden.  Up to 10 grants of $200 each will be awarded; assistance will be provided to teach citizens how to design and plant the garden.

Rain gardens are quickly growing in popularity among homeowners as a beneficial and attractive idea for landscaping.  Rain gardens are landscaped areas planted with wild flowers and native plants, such as Blazing Stars, Lobelia, and Coneflowers, that soak up rain water and filter it into the ground over a 24 to 48 hour period, instead of allowing it to run off into a storm drain or ditch.  These types of environmentally friendly gardens allow about 30 percent more water to soak into the ground than a conventional lawn.

Rain gardens also help remove pollutants.  A substantial amount of pollution is carried into our waterways by runoff from our lawns, rooftops, driveways, parking lots, and roadways.  Rain gardens capture the rain water runoff from those areas; the water is then absorbed by the rain garden plants and filtered into the ground.  Rain gardens are perfect for preventing pollutants such as fertilizers, pesticides, oil, and other hazardous fluids from entering our waterways.

If you are interested in applying for a rain garden grant, contact the Clermont Soil and Water Conservation District at 732-7075, or visit their website at  Applications will be considered until all grants have been awarded.  If you would like to learn more about rain gardens, including ideal locations, plant selection and more, visit the Clermont Rain Garden Central website at

Commissioners Proclaim April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month in Clermont County

Clermont County Commissioners join advocates across the country in playing an active role to prevent sexual violence.  Yesterday, the Board of Clermont County Commissioners designated the month of April 2013 to be “Sexual Assault Awareness Month” in Clermont County, Ohio. During session yesterday, the President of the Board, Ed Humphrey, presented a Proclamation to YWCA of Greater Cincinnati Eastern Area representatives.

Photographed above from left to right: Theresa Singleton, Debbie Brooks, Julie Pedersen, Linda Cornwell, Katy Collura, Kate Lawson with the YWCA of Greater Cincinnati Eastern Area and Commissioner Humphrey.

Photographed above from left to right: Theresa Singleton, Debbie Brooks, Julie Pedersen, Linda Cornwell, Katy Collura, Kate Lawson with the YWCA of Greater Cincinnati Eastern Area and Commissioner Humphrey.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month is intended to draw attention to the fact that sexual violence is widespread and impacts every community member of Clermont County and nationwide. Child sexual abuse prevention must be a priority to confront the reality that one in six boys and one in four girls will experience a sexual assault before the age 18 (Dube et al., 2005).
The Commissioners stated the county and local community members must work together to educate citizens about sexual violence prevention, supporting survivors, and speaking out against harmful attitudes and actions. Humphrey stated, “With leadership, dedication, and encouragement, there is evidence that we can be successful in preventing sexual violence in Clermont County through increased education, awareness, and community involvement.”

The YWCA of Greater Cincinnati Eastern Area provides a range of services for sexual assault survivors in Clermont County, including court advocacy and emergency shelter. For more information and assistance, please call the YWCA’s 24 hour hotline at 1-800-540-4764. The YWCA also provides programming to Clermont County schools on sexual violence prevention through its Prevention Education program. Please visit the YWCA’s Facebook page to learn about their Sexual Assault Awareness Month events starting next week,

The Commissioners strongly support the efforts of national, state, and local partners, and of every citizen, to actively engage in public and private efforts to prevent sexual violence. The Commissioners urged citizens to start conversations, take appropriate actions and support one another in order to create a safer environment for all.

SWCD Offers Free Annual Pond Clinic Event

Clermont Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is offering a free pond clinic for Clermont County residents. The clinic will be held on April 16th at 6 p.m. in the 4-H Hall at the Clermont County Fairgrounds in Owensville. Topics of discussion will include pond construction, maintenance, and safety. Additional information will be given on stocking, aeration, weed control, hazardous algae blooms (HAB’s), and nuisance wildlife. Stormwater retention ponds will be addressed again during this year’s event.

The ponds you see in many newer subdivisions provide a scenic addition to the community landscape, plus they also benefit the environment! “When properly cared for, these storm water retention ponds limit flooding and remove a number of pollutants,” said Becky McClatchy with SWCD.

Many citizens ask why we need neighborhood retention ponds, “There are so many impermeable surfaces in neighborhoods where water can’t soak into the ground after it rains,” said Jake Hahn with the SWCD. “Because rain can’t go through roads, driveways, and buildings, it has no choice but to runoff to areas of lower elevation, washing excess fertilizer and other pollutants into the waterways.” Without retention ponds, rain water drains directly into a stream, possibly endangering animals and ultimately ending up as our drinking water.

“Through this free clinic, citizens will learn how recreational and stormwater ponds can be maintained, and the steps to planning their own ponds,” said McClatchey. “Since ponds are not a common natural landscape feature in our area they need additional maintenance and care to function properly and meet the landowners’ expectations,” added Hahn. Speak with your Home Owners Association and encourage your group to attend in order to gain a better understanding of the benefits and functions of your retention ponds. Clermont SWCD’s goal is to help construct and maintain a safe, functional, and attractive pond.

For more information or to register for the free clinic, contact the Clermont SWCD at (513) 732-7075. More information is also available on the Web site

Ohio Secretary of State Presented Awards at Clermont County Board of Elections

Ohio Secretary of State Presented Awards at Clermont County Board of Elections – Clermont County, Ohio

Immediate Release

March 4, 2013

Batavia, Ohio – Ohio Secretary of State, Jon Husted, visited the Clermont County Board of Elections last month to present the Precinct Election Official Red Carpet Award to Jan Schoellman, a Precinct Election Official (PEO) for over 16 years.  Jan, a retired teacher from Goshen Middle School, was very involved with developing the new Training Video that was used in the Precinct Election Official Instruction Classes prior to the November Election.  Jan said she has found that serving as a PEO is a rewarding way to give something back to her community.

Bonnie Carlier also received an accommodation for her 20 years of outstanding service and dedication to the Election Process as an employee of the Board of Elections and especially for her work with enlisting and training the Precinct Election Officials (formerly known as Poll Workers) in Clermont County.

Ruth Ann Werner, who retired from the Board of Elections in August 2012 after 24 ½ years, also elected to receive an Accommodation from Secretary Husted for her outstanding service and dedication for her work with the Poll Workers.  Werner was not able to attend, however she will be presented her Accommodation at a later date.

The Secretary of State commended the Board Members and the entire staff of the Clermont County Board of Elections for their hard work and dedication that was exemplified during the November Presidential Election.  Secretary Husted quoted former OSU Football Coach Woody Hayes when he said, “You win with people,” and the Clermont County Board of Elections has some of the finest people working for it in the state

For Further Information Contact regarding the awards or the Clermont County Board of Elections Office, contact the Director, Judy Miller, at (513) 732-7275.

Content provided by: The Clermont County Board of Elections


For additional information about this or other county news, contact Clermont County Communications Director, Annette Meagher at (513) 732-7557 or by e-mail,

Sheriff responds to public request for a local response to gun control debate

Immediate Release
February 6, 2013


Sheriff responds to public request for a local response to gun control debate



Batavia, Ohio. On account of the recent tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary and the subsequent controversy surrounding gun control, the Sheriff’s Office has received numerous inquiries requesting a local statement regarding the national situation.  The public has asked for my opinion regarding the gun control debate and what my Deputies or I would do if gun control legislation is enacted. Noting that this is a complex legal issue that does not contain a simple explanation, I would like to provide the following statement with the hope that it will fulfill the public’s petition for a local response. 



As Sheriff, I am legally required to enforce duly enacted laws of Ohio and the United States and to support the Constitutions of both the United States and the state of Ohio.  Federal laws enacted by Congress addressing gun control, or any other matters, fall primarily under the enforcement responsibility and authority of a Federal law enforcement agency (e.g. FBI, ATF, Secret Service, DEA).  Depending upon the precise scope and language of the law, local law enforcement agencies and their officers may or may not be tasked with any enforcement authority or responsibilities. 


The following is a section of the legal opinion distributed to all Ohio Sheriffs from the Buckeye State Sheriffs’ Association (BSSA).  The BSSA is a legal counsel concerning the authority and duties of Ohio Sheriffs, “A Sheriff is sworn to enforce the laws of Ohio AND THE UNITED STATES.  It is not within the authority of the Sheriff to interpret the law or to decide the constitutionality of the law.  This is a function of the Courts.  Enacted laws are presumed to be constitutional until such time as a Court with proper jurisdiction rules otherwise.”

I am a long time member of both the NRA and a local gun club. I have always been a strong advocate and supporter of concealed carry and the possession of firearms by law abiding citizens.  When Ohio passed concealed carry legislation in 2004, I applauded this initiative and our Office implemented a user-friendly, no-hassle procedure for processing concealed carry applications.  That first year our Office led the entire State with the most concealed carry permits issued.  Thereafter, our Office has remained in the top 10% of all 88 counties in Ohio for the number of concealed carry applications processed and we have received several positive comments from applicants and firearm advocacy groups.


The national debate of gun control is far from over and will likely take many twists and turns before legislative action is finally enacted.  After that process, the courts will likely be called on to have the final decision.  At this particular point in time, predictions and possible ramifications of such laws are speculative and premature.  The Sherriff’s Office is waiting to release an official statement until gun control legislation materializes and has been reviewed by the courts.                                                                     


Content Provided By: Clermont County Sheriff Rodenburg  




For additional information about this or other county news, contact Clermont County Communications Director, Annette Meagher at (513) 732-7557 or by e-mail,

Sibshops are coming to Cincinnati thanks to Clermont FAST TRAC

Sibshops is coming to Cincinnati thanks to Clermont FAST TRAC, a system of care initiative of the Clermont County Mental Health & Recovery Board, funded by a grant from the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.sibshops

Sibshops acknowledge that being the brother or sister of a person with special needs, including mental health needs, is for some a good thing, others a not-so-good thing, and for many, somewhere in-between. They reflect a belief that brothers and sisters have much to offer one another — if they are given a chance. Sibshops are a spirited mix of new games (designed to be unique, off-beat, and appealing to a wide ability range), new friends, and discussion activities. They give the “typical” sibs an opportunity to work through issues they may have regarding his/her family member with a disability.

Don Meyer, creator and Director of the Sibling Support Project in Seattle, Washington, will provide the two-day Facilitator training.  Don is a sought after trainer and is involved with many projects including the “Supporting Extended Family Members” program at the University of Washington.  It is an honor to welcome him to Clermont County!

If you’re a parent, adult sib, student or service provider interested in sibling issues, but not interested in running a Sibshop, the first day of training is for you.  You’ll hear from a panel of sibs about their unique concerns and talk about what parents and service providers can do to address sibling issues.  Participants will hear poignant stories, share laughs, meet courageous sibs, and learn practical advice.

The second day is for facilitators-in-training only.   Don will guide Facilitators through a 4 hour workshop with 12-15 local youth volunteers.

The two-day training will be held February 22-23, 2013, from 9:00am-3:30pm at Child Focus in Eastgate (551 Old State Route 74, Cincinnati, Ohio 45244).  The two-day Sibshop Facilitator training is $110 and each individual day is $60.  To register online for the training, go to: or for more information, call Melanie Reccia at 752-1555.



Batavia, Ohio – A team from the Clermont County Juvenile Court participated for the fifth straight year in the Polar Bear Plunge to benefit Special Olympics. On February 2nd the Clermont team and approximately 700 other brave individuals, jumped in an icy pool of water at Joe’s Crab Shack in Newport.

The team of court staff, detention staff, and probation officers, as well as, friends from Child Focus and Highland County Juvenile Court, collectively raised $1,454.00 for Special Olympics. The total amount raised for the program was more than $142,000!

Also, the team won the Best Costume contest!  They dressed up in honor of the hit reality TV show “Duck Dynasty’” and donned camouflage clothes, fake bears, tattoos, and duck calls, naming themselves “DUNK Dynasty.”

Many congratulations to Juvenile Court for their bravery, their community spirit and raising support for such a special cause!

Build, remodel or buy…what is really involved?

Batavia, Ohio. With the economy the way it is these days, many people find themselves asking the question should we build a new home, remodel or buy a pre-owned home. With each of these options, remember the need for a building permit. In order to obtain the required approval, an owner who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, erect, install, remove, convert or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing system, or change the occupancy of any building, must first submit an application to the building official. Permits for WMSC (Water Management Sediment Control), public water and sewer or a private septic system may also be required.  Check with your local zoning department for necessary requirements.  Our building department strives to make the permitting process as unproblematic as possible for everyone interested in building or remodeling a home. It is extremely important to plan carefully and select a qualified contractor. Proper building plans that illustrate the proposed work are required for most projects.

If you decide to purchase a pre-owned home, DO YOUR HOMEWORK!  Research the history of the property prior to purchasing, it’s vital to be a wise and informed consumer.  Call your building department to verify that no outstanding orders exist and to determine if any permits were taken out for work that was completed.  If there were no permits issued and work was performed, this should raise a red flag to potential homeowners!  New owners could potentially inherit the violation issue of work without permits.  All permits are public information and Clermont County Permit Central is available to conduct the research for you.  In some cases, permits need to be researched in our archives and the request would have to be submitted in writing. The Building Department is here to serve and protect residents, so never hesitate to contact us with any building questions.
Property owners and contractors may do some minor repair work that does not require approvals. Always check with the building department prior to starting, your project may require approvals and inspections to verify that the work is performed in accordance with the applicable building codes. Know that a permit is a license to perform the proposed work, the scope of that work should be clearly indicated on the permit application and plans. The building department can impose penalty fees for work that is done or started without the proper approvals.

To apply for permits, please visit Clermont County Permit Central office located at 2275 Bauer Road Batavia, Ohio 45103. Staff is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 to 4:30 p.m. and can be reached at 513-732-7213. Additional information and permit applications are also available at

Content Provided By: Debbie Oberklaus, Clermont Permit Central                                                                                                




For additional information about this or other county news, contact Clermont County Communications Director, Annette Meagher at (513) 732-7557 or by e-mail,

Clermont Chamber Announces 2013 Salute to Leaders Honorees

Immediate Release
January 30, 2013

Clermont Chamber Announces 2013 Salute to Leaders Honorees


Clermont County, Ohio.  The Clermont County Chamber of Commerce Foundation has announced the 2013 Salute to Leaders Honorees.  The awards event will be held on Tuesday, March 12, 2013 at Holiday Inn & Suites Eastgate.  Individual tickets, which include a full sit-down dinner, cost $30 per person and can be ordered online by clicking here or contact the Chamber at #513-576-5000. The deadline to RSVP is March 1st.Salute to Leaders

In its 20th year honoring unsung heroes and leaders in Clermont County, the event is sponsored by Park National Bank (Title Sponsor), Lykins Oil, American Modern Insurance Group, The Crowell Company, Jungle Jim’s International Market, Kamphaus, Henning & Hood CPAs, The Staff at Siemens PLM Software, Sporty’s, Total Quality Logistics, Union Township, and U.C Clermont College.