Build, remodel or buy…what is really involved?

Batavia, Ohio. With the economy the way it is these days, many people find themselves asking the question should we build a new home, remodel or buy a pre-owned home. With each of these options, remember the need for a building permit. In order to obtain the required approval, an owner who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, erect, install, remove, convert or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing system, or change the occupancy of any building, must first submit an application to the building official. Permits for WMSC (Water Management Sediment Control), public water and sewer or a private septic system may also be required.  Check with your local zoning department for necessary requirements.  Our building department strives to make the permitting process as unproblematic as possible for everyone interested in building or remodeling a home. It is extremely important to plan carefully and select a qualified contractor. Proper building plans that illustrate the proposed work are required for most projects.

If you decide to purchase a pre-owned home, DO YOUR HOMEWORK!  Research the history of the property prior to purchasing, it’s vital to be a wise and informed consumer.  Call your building department to verify that no outstanding orders exist and to determine if any permits were taken out for work that was completed.  If there were no permits issued and work was performed, this should raise a red flag to potential homeowners!  New owners could potentially inherit the violation issue of work without permits.  All permits are public information and Clermont County Permit Central is available to conduct the research for you.  In some cases, permits need to be researched in our archives and the request would have to be submitted in writing. The Building Department is here to serve and protect residents, so never hesitate to contact us with any building questions.
Property owners and contractors may do some minor repair work that does not require approvals. Always check with the building department prior to starting, your project may require approvals and inspections to verify that the work is performed in accordance with the applicable building codes. Know that a permit is a license to perform the proposed work, the scope of that work should be clearly indicated on the permit application and plans. The building department can impose penalty fees for work that is done or started without the proper approvals.

To apply for permits, please visit Clermont County Permit Central office located at 2275 Bauer Road Batavia, Ohio 45103. Staff is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 to 4:30 p.m. and can be reached at 513-732-7213. Additional information and permit applications are also available at

Content Provided By: Debbie Oberklaus, Clermont Permit Central                                                                                                




For additional information about this or other county news, contact Clermont County Communications Director, Annette Meagher at (513) 732-7557 or by e-mail,