“Townships” Waste & Recycling

Separate sealed proposals for the exclusive franchise of waste collection and recycling services for Goshen, Wayne, Tate, Franklin & Washington Townships, and the Villages of Newtonsville, and Neville, Clermont County, Ohio hereafter referred to as (“Townships”) will be received by the Adams-Clermont Solid Waste District, 4400 Haskell Lane, Batavia, Ohio  45103, until 10:00 A.M. Local Time on November 28, 2017.

“Townships” Waste and Recycling

Work under this Project, located throughout Goshen, Wayne, Tate, Franklin & Washington Townships, and the Villages of Newtonsville, and Neville, Clermont County, Ohio consists of an exclusive franchise to provide residential waste collection and recycling services.

The General Instructions to Respondents, Form of Proposal, Form of Contract, and Specifications including other Contractor Documents may be examined and obtained at the following Location:

Adams-Clermont Solid Waste District
4400 Haskell Lane
Batavia, Ohio  45103
(513) 732-7745

A Non-Mandatory Informational Meeting will be held at the Adams-Clermont Solid Waste District, 4400 Haskell Lane, Batavia, Ohio  45103 at 2:00 P.M. Local Time on October 16, 2017.

A second pre-bid meeting will be held at 2:00 PM November 16, 2017, at 4400 Haskell Lane, Batavia, Ohio  45103

Questions concerning this project should be directed to Paul Braasch, Adams-Clermont Solid Waste District, 4400 Haskell Lane, Batavia, OH 45103  Phone: 513-732-7745, Fax: 513-732-7310, e-mail: pbraasch@clermontcountyohio.gov

Each Respondent must submit their proposal in TRIPLICATE, one (1) original and two (2) copies with each copy stamped “COPY”.

All proposals must comply with Clermont County General Instructions to Respondents in addition to the requirements set forth in the Specifications Documents referenced herein in order to be considered.

If necessary, discussions with offerors will be conducted for the purpose of ensuring full understanding of, and responsiveness to, the requirements specified in the request for proposals.  The contract will be awarded to the offeror whose proposal is determined to be the most advantageous to the “Townships”, taking into consideration the evaluation factors and criteria.

The “Townships”, reserve the right to waive any informalities or to reject any or all proposals.

This notice is also posted on the contracting authority’s website at the following URL link: www.clermontcountyohio.gov.  In order to view the legal notice click on the link Legal Notices located on the Clermont County Home Page.


Adams-Clermont Solid Waste District

4400 Haskell Lane

Batavia, Ohio  45013.







Paul Braasch, Adams-Clermont Solid Waste Director

Clermont County Public Health is fighting the bite this summer

Image of Kate Woods inspecting a mosquito trapBatavia, OH (June 20, 2017)  

Thanks to a $12,000 grant, Clermont County Public Health will be conducting mosquito surveys throughout the county and working to decrease the mosquito population this summer. The money for the grant comes from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency’s Mosquito Control Grant. The Mosquito Control Grant Program provides money to public agencies to minimize the potential for an outbreak of mosquito-borne viruses like Zika, West Nile, and La Crosse Encephalitis.

The grant provides a summer intern to set mosquito traps at four locations throughout Clermont County. Two locations are along the Ohio River, one is along the Little Miami River, and the fourth location will move throughout the county.

All mosquitos trapped will be sent to an Ohio Department of Health laboratory to identify the species and see if they are carrying, or are capable of transmitting West Nile Virus, Zika, or La Crosse Encephalitis. “Only certain types of mosquitos can transmit Zika or West Nile,” said Health Commissioner Julianne Nesbit.

According to the Ohio Department of Health, there were 17 human cases of West Nile Virus in Ohio in 2016. Two of those were in Clermont County.

“We don’t have the existing resources to be able to provide mosquito control in the county, so this grant will allow us to provide a valuable service to our residents,” said Nesbit. “If we respond to a nuisance complaint, our staff members will be able to work with landowners to reduce potential mosquito breeding sites on their property.”

Mosquitos lay their eggs in stagnant water and will use bird baths, buckets, or other containers that hold water as their breeding sites. “If you don’t give them any places to lay eggs, you won’t have as many mosquitos to worry about,” said Nesbit.

The best way to prevent the spread of these diseases is to wear insect repellant, or long sleeves and pants, and to eliminate standing water on your property,” said Nesbit.
For more information on mosquitos, visit www.ccphohio.org.


# # #

Attached photo: Kate Woods, a summer intern with Clermont County Public Health checks a mosquito trap.
Clermont County Public Health (CCPH) is dedicated to the mission of striving to improve Clermont County by preventing disease, promoting health, and protecting the environment. For more information, visit http://www.ccphohio.org or call 513-732-7499.

Notice of Viewing and Final Hearing Relative to Vacation of a Portion of Bachelier Rd in Pierce Township

Clermont Sun:  06/15/17 




The Board of County Commissioners of Clermont County, Ohio, pursuant to authority vested in the Board by Section 5553.04 of the Ohio Revised Code, will consider the proposed vacation of a portion of Bachelier Road (T-324) in Pierce Township, Clermont County, Ohio, and in Catlett Military Survey Number 506, and being more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at a point 50’ north of the south property line of Derek & Alexis Deatherage, parcel  no. 28-28-04C-032 and in the centerline of Bachelier Road, said point being N.3°30’E. 1170.50’, N.9°E. 145.20’, N.5°W. 59.00’, and N.29°W. 110.50’ from the centerline intersection of SR 749; thence, with the centerline of Bachelier Road, N.29°50’05”W. 59.00’, N.40°15’06”W. 144.00’, N.24°30’06”W. 70.39’, N.16°09’00”W. 101.83’, N.06°32’26”W. 35.39’, N.17°58’27”E. 125.00’, N.41°58’27”E. 100.00’, N.24°46’33”W. 145.20’, N.42°01’36”W. 153.08’ and N.43°39’51”W. 878.86’ to the south end of Wibbels Road (T-404) which is 0.14 miles southeast of Jenny Lind Road and 215’ southeast of the south property line of Bruce & Bonnie Plummer, parcel no. 28-28-04B-023.

Total length of Bachelier Road to be vacated is 1,812.75’ or 0.343 miles

The Board of County Commissioners will be on site to view the portion of Bachelier Road (T-324) in Pierce Township proposed to be vacated on or about 9:00 A.M. on Wednesday, June 28, 2017.  The Final Hearing on the proposed vacation of a portion of Bachelier Road (T-324) in Pierce Township as described will be held on Wednesday, June 28, 2017, at 11:00 A.M. Local Time in the office of the Board of County Commissioners, 101 East Main Street, Batavia, Ohio  45103 for the purpose of receiving comments relative thereto.



David H. Uible, President

Edwin H. Humphrey, Vice President

David L. Painter, Member





Judith Kocica, Clerk of the Board

Bid Opening: Biosolids and Alum Residuals Disposal Services

Clermont Sun: 12/15/2016


The Board of Clermont County Commissioners will be accepting sealed bids for Biosolids and Alum Residuals Disposal Services. All bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope marked: Bid – Biosolids and Alum Residuals Disposal Services, and must be received in the Office of the Board of County Commissioners, 101 E. Main Street, Batavia, Ohio 45103, no later than 2:00 P.M. Local Time on 01/19/2017, at which time all bids shall be opened and read publicly.

Instructions to bidders, specifications, and bid form outlining the terms and conditions of the proposed purchase of services may be obtained by interested bidders Monday thru Friday during the hours of 8:00 A.M. – 4:30 P.M. at the Clermont County Water Resources Department, 4400 Haskell Lane, Batavia, Ohio 45103, Attn: Biosolids and Alum Residuals Disposal Services

A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on 01/05/2017 at 10:00 AM local time at the Clermont County Water Resources Department, 4400 Haskell Lane, Batavia, Ohio 45103.

Each Bidder must submit their bid in TRIPLICATE, one (1) original and two (2) copies with each copy stamped “COPY”. Each bidder must deposit with his bid, security in the amount of 5% of the bid if in the form of a Bid Bond or in the amount of not less than five (5%) percent of the bid if in the form of a Certified Check, Cashier’s Check or Money Order, for and subject to the conditions provided in the Information for Bidders.  The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to waive any informalities, reject any or all bids and to hold such bids for a period of sixty (60) days before taking any action and to award a contract for the lowest and best bid or combination of bids.

No Bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of 60 days after the actual date of the opening thereof. Bid Bonds, Certified Checks, Cashier’s Checks and Money Orders must be filed with original signatures. Facsimile and electronic copies of the Bid Bonds, Certified Checks, Cashier’s Checks, Money Orders and Power of Attorney of the Surety will be deemed non-responsive.

This notice is also posted on the contracting authority’s website at the following URL link: www.clermontcountyohio.gov. In order to view the legal notice, click on the link Legal Notices located on the Clermont County Home Page.


Robert L. Proud , President
David H. Uible, Vice President
Edwin H. Humphrey, Member

ATTEST:                                                                                                                                                 ____________________________

Judith Kocica, Clerk of the Board

Construction, Operation and Maintenance of the Collection System Rehabilitation 2016 Project

Separate sealed bids for the construction of the following Wastewater System Improvements within the Clermont County Water Resources Department will be received by the Board of County Commissioners, Clermont County, Ohio, 101 East Main Street – 3rd Floor, Batavia, Ohio 45103, until 2:00 P.M. Local Time on Thursday, July 21, 2016, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud.

PROJECT NO. 6402-62006

Work under this Project is generally defined as the rehabilitation of approximately 3,243 LF of gravity sewer using cured-in-place pipe on 8-inch main; approximately 17,969 LF of gravity sewer using cured-in-place pipe on 18-inch diameter sewers; reinstatement and rehabilitation of approximately 97 6-inch sewer laterals using cured-in-place lining; installation of approximately 97 new cleanouts; rehabilitation of approximately 84 4-foot diameter manholes, including application of approximately 865 VF of polymeric coating. Work will take place in various locations, including Old State Route 32 and Clermont Mercy Health Hospital in Batavia Township, Amelia-Olive Branch Road in Batavia Township, and Seabrook Way in Union Township. The Owner expects to proceed with construction under the Project immediately after satisfactory acceptance and award of the bid and execution of the contract, with completion of all work for Project No. 6402-62006 within 210 calendar days from the date of the Notice to Proceed. The Engineer’s Estimate for this Project is $2,934,544.50.

The information for Bidders, Form of Bid, Form of Contract, Plans, and Specifications including Forms of Bid Bond, Performance-Payment Bond, and other Contractor Documents may be examined at the following Location:

Clermont County Water Resources Dept.
Sanitary Engineering Division
4400 Haskell Lane
Batavia, Ohio 45103
(513) 732-8864

A Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting will be held at the Clermont County Water Resources Department, Sanitary Engineering Division, 4400 Haskell Lane, Batavia, Ohio 45103 at 10:00 A.M. Local Time on Thursday, July 14, 2016.

Copies of the Plans and Specifications, etc., may be obtained during normal business hours at American Reprographics Company (ARC), 7157 East Kemper Road, Cincinnati, OH 45241, phone number (513) 326-2300, upon payment of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for each set, none of which is refundable. An additional non-refundable payment of Five Dollars ($5.00) must accompany any mail request.

Each Bidder must submit their bid in TRIPLICATE, one (1) original and two (2) copies with each copy stamped “COPY”. Each bidder must deposit with his bid, security in the amount of 100% of the bid if in the form of a Bid Bond or in the amount of not less than ten (10%) percent of the bid if in the form of a certified check, cashier’s check or letter of credit, for and subject to the conditions provided in the Information for Bidders and pursuant with Ohio Revised Code Section 153.54.

Attention of Bidders is particularly called to the requirements as to safety regulations, conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the Contract. All bids must comply with Clermont County General Instructions to Bidders in addition to the requirements set forth in the Specifications Documents referenced herein in order to be considered. Letters of credit and bid bonds must be filed with original signatures. Facsimile and electronic copies of the letter of credit, bid bond and Power of Attorney of the Surety will be deemed non-responsive.
No Bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of 60 days after the actual date of the opening thereof. Contract award shall be made to the lowest and best bidder, and award may be subject to applicable funding agency approval. The Board of County Commissioners, Clermont County, Ohio, reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any or all bids.

Each Bidder must verify they meet the stated qualifications as outlined in Sections 4100, 4120, and 4200 of Section D titled “Work and Material Specifications” of the Specifications and Contract Documents and submit certified statements with their bid from the approved manufacturers stated therein that they are certified and/or licensed to perform the work, as well as, submit with their bid the required submittals as outlined in Sections 4100 and 4200 of said Section D, failure to do so will result in the bid being disqualified.

This notice is also posted on the contracting authority’s website site at the following URL link: www.clermontcountyohio.gov. In order to view the legal notice click on the link Legal Notices located on the Clermont County Home Page.

Robert L. Proud Bill To:
David H. Uible Clermont County Water Resources Dept.
Edwin H. Humphrey Sanitary Engineering Division
4400 Haskell Lane
Batavia, OH 45103


Judith Kocica, Clerk of the Board

Construction of a Domestic Relations Clerk of Courts Building

The Clermont Sun

Date: June 16, 2016 

The Board of Clermont County Commissioners will be accepting sealed bids for construction and installation of a Pre-Engineered Domestic Relations Clerk of Courts Building; 2340 Clermont Center Drive, Batavia, Ohio 45103.  All bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope marked: BID – DOMESTIC RELATIONS CLERK OF COURTS BUILDING. All bids must be received in the office of the Board of Clermont County Commissioners, 3rd Floor, 101 E. Main Street, Batavia, Ohio 45103, no later than 2:00 P.M. local time on Thursday, June 30, 2016, at which time all bids shall be opened.

Instructions to contractors, specifications, and bid form outlining the terms and conditions may be viewed by interested parties at KBA, Incorporated Architects; Mark Bredemeier mbredemeier@kbainc.com (513)752-7800 or at the offices of the Clermont County Facilities Management Department; 4001 Filager Road, Batavia, Ohio 45103. Phone: (513) 732-8850 wgrabows@clermontcountyohio.gov. Office hours are from 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M., Monday thru Friday. There will be a non-mandatory pre-bid conference, at 9:00 A.M., Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at the Clermont County Domestic Relations/Juvenile Court Facility, 2340 Clermont Center Drive, Batavia, Ohio 45103. **Although it is not mandatory it is highly recommended all bidders attend the pre-bid meeting.  NOTE:  ALL PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS/RESPONDENTS ARE HEREBY CAUTIONED NOT TO CONTACT ANY MEMBER OF THE CLERMONT COUNTY STAFF OR OFFICIALS OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED CONTACT PERSON.

Each Bidder must submit their bid in TRIPLICATE, one (1) original, two (2) copies and one (1) electronic copy) All copies must be stamped “COPY”, in a sealed envelope marked: BID – DOMESTIC RELATIONS CLERK OF COURTS BUILDING. Each bidder must deposit with his bid, security in the amount of 100% of the bid if in the form of a Bid Bond or in the amount of not less than ten (10%) percent of the bid if in the form of a certified check, cashier’s check or letter of credit, for and subject to the conditions provided in the Information for Bidders and pursuant with Ohio Revised Code Section 153.54. Bid security furnished in Bond form shall be issued by a Surety Company or Corporation licensed in the State of Ohio to provide said surety. Letters of credit and bid bonds must be filed with original signatures. Facsimile and electronic copies of the letter of credit, bid bond and Power of Attorney of the Surety will be deemed non-responsive.

The Board of Clermont County Commissioners reserves the right to waive any informalities, reject any or all bids and to hold such bids for a period of sixty (60) days before taking any action and to award a contract to the lowest and best bidder.

This notice will also be posted on Clermont County’s website at the following URL link: www.clermontcountyohio.gov under legal notices.


Robert L. Proud, President
David H. Uible, Vice President
Edwin H. Humphrey, Member




Judith Kocica, Clerk of the Board

Public Hearing: Annual Tax Budget for Fiscal Year 2017

Clermont Sun: 06/09/16



The Board of County Commissioners of Clermont County, Ohio, will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, June 22, 2016, at 10:30 A.M. Local Time in the Office of the Board of County Commissioners located on the 3rd floor of the County Administration Building at 101 East Main Street, Batavia, Ohio 45103 to consider the proposed Tax Budget for Fiscal Year 2017. Copies of the budget will be available for public inspection beginning June 17, 2016 in the County Commissioners’ and County Auditor’s Offices as well as on the County’s website,http://www.bcc.clermontcountyohio.gov/.

General Fund operating revenues support the basic functions of County Government, including Board of County Commissioners’ Building Inspection and Emergency Communications departments, the Judicial System, Auditor, Treasurer, Recorder, Prosecutor and Sheriff/Jail.

Clermont County residents are encouraged to review the budget requests, attend the public hearing, and/or send comments or questions to the Commissioners’ office or e-mail to bccbudget@clermontcountyohio.gov.


Robert L. Proud, President
David H. Uible, Vice President
Edwin H. Humphrey, Member



Judith Kocica, Clerk of the Board

Bid Opening: City of Milford “Memorial Park Improvement” Project in Concert with the CDBG Program-Fiscal Year 2015

Clermont Sun: 06/09/16


Separate sealed bids for the Memorial Park Improvements in the City of Milford will be received by the Board of County Commissioners, Clermont County, Ohio, 101 East Main Street – 3rd Floor, Batavia, Ohio 45103, until 2:00 P.M. Local Time on June 23, 2016, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud.

CONTRACT No. 2015-02.3


Work under this contract is generally defined as public facilities and infrastructure improvements to various aspects of Memorial Park in Milford, Ohio. The work involves installation of five granite monuments with the seal of the five branches of the armed forces and seating surrounded by a concrete walking area and landscaping, installation of a flag plaza with a 25’ pole and lighting. An ADA compliant walkway will be constructed from the memorial plaza to the corner of Water Street providing linkage into Riverside Park. The County expects to proceed with the construction under the contract immediately after satisfactory acceptance and award of the construction bid and execution of the contract, with completion of all work for Contract No. 2015-02.3 by August 31, 2016.

The information for Bidders, Form of Bid, Form of Contract, Plans, Specifications including Forms of Bid Bond, Performance-Payment Bond, and other Contractor Documents may be examined at the following Location:

Clermont County Dept. of Community
and Economic Development
101 East Main Street – 3rd Floor
Batavia, Ohio 45103
(513) 732-7907

Copies of the Plans and Specifications, etc., may be obtained between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. local time, Monday through Friday, at the Department of Community and Economic Development, 101 East Main Street – 3rd Floor, Batavia, Ohio 45103; phone number 513-732-7907. There is a one-time fee of $25 per packet. Cash or checks will be accepted. All checks should be made payable to Clermont County Treasurer.

Each Bidder must submit their bid in DUPLICATE, one (1) original and one (1) copy with the copy stamped “COPY”. Each bidder must deposit with his bid, security in the amount of 100% of the bid if in the form of a Bid Bond or in the amount of not less than ten (10%) percent of the bid if in the form of a certified check, cashier’s check or letter of credit, for and subject to the conditions provided in the Information for Bidders and pursuant with Ohio Revised Code Section 153.54.

Attention of Bidders is particularly called to the requirements as to safety regulations, conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the Contract. All bids must comply with Clermont County General Instructions to Bidders in addition to the requirements set forth in the Specifications Documents referenced herein in order to be considered. Letters of credit and bid bonds must be filed with original signatures.  Facsimile and electronic copies of the letter of credit, bid bond and Power of Attorney of the Surety will be deemed non-responsive.

No Bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of 60 days after the actual date of the opening thereof.

Contract award shall be made to the lowest and best bidder, and award may be subject to applicable funding agency approval.

The Board of County Commissioners, Clermont County, Ohio, reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any or all bids.

This notice will also be posted on Clermont County’s website at the following URL link: www.clermontcountyohio.gov. In order to view the legal notice click on the link Legal Notices located on the Clermont County Home Page.

Clermont County Board of Commissioners
Robert L. Proud, President
David H. Uible, Vice President
Edwin H. Humphrey, Member



Judith Kocica, Clerk of the Board

Construction, Operation and Maintenance-Booster Pump Stations 1 & 3 Improvements

Clermont Sun: 03/10/16


Separate sealed bids for the construction of the following Waterworks System Improvements within the Clermont County Water Resources Department will be received by the Board of County Commissioners, Clermont County, Ohio, 101 East Main Street – 3rd Floor, Batavia, Ohio 45103, until 2:00 P.M. Local Time on April 14, 2016, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud.


PROJECT NO. 6401-60126


Work under this Project is generally defined as the improvements of Booster Pump Stations 1 & 3 located at 6378 Branch Hill-Miamiville Road and 749 Loveland-Miamiville Road, respectively, in Miami Township, and includes new pumping equipment, pipe replacement, valve replacement, necessary electric and control equipment, and general building and site improvements. The Owner expects to proceed with the construction under the Project immediately after satisfactory acceptance and award of the construction bid and execution of the contract, with completion of all work for Project No. 6401-60126 within 240 calendar days from the date of the Notice to Proceed. The Engineer’s Estimate for this Project is $382,479.00.

The information for Bidders, Form of Bid, Form of Contract, Plans, and Specifications including Forms of Bid Bond, Performance-Payment Bond, and other Contractor Documents may be examined at the following Location:

Clermont County Water Resources Dept.
Sanitary Engineering Division
4400 Haskell Lane
Batavia, Ohio 45103
(513) 732-8864

A Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting will be held at the Clermont County Water Resources Department, Sanitary Engineering Division, 4400 Haskell Lane, Batavia, Ohio 45103 at 10:00 A.M. Local Time on April 7, 2016.

Copies of the Plans and Specifications, etc., may be obtained during normal business hours at American Reprographics Company (ARC), 7157 East Kemper Road, Cincinnati, OH 45241, phone number (513) 326-2300, upon payment of Sixty Dollars ($60.00) for each set made payable to the Clermont County Treasurer, none of which is refundable. An additional non-refundable payment of Five Dollars ($5.00) must accompany any mail request.

Each Bidder must submit their bid in TRIPLICATE, one (1) original and two (2) copies with each copy stamped “COPY”. Each bidder must deposit with his bid, security in the amount of 100% of the bid if in the form of a Bid Bond or in the amount of not less than ten (10%) percent of the bid if in the form of a certified check, cashier’s check or letter of credit, for and subject to the conditions provided in the Information for Bidders and pursuant with Ohio Revised Code Section 153.54.

Attention of Bidders is particularly called to the requirements as to safety regulations, conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the Contract. All bids must comply with Clermont County General Instructions to Bidders in addition to the requirements set forth in the Specifications Documents referenced herein in order to be considered. Letters of credit and bid bonds must be filed with original signatures.  Facsimile and electronic copies of the letter of credit, bid bond and Power of Attorney of the Surety will be deemed non-responsive.

No Bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of 60 days after the actual date of the opening thereof.

Contract award shall be made to the lowest and best bidder, and award may be subject to applicable funding agency approval.

The Board of County Commissioners, Clermont County, Ohio, reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any or all bids.

This notice is also posted on the contracting authority’s website at the following URL link: www.clermontcountyohio.gov. In order to view the legal notice click on the link Legal Notices located on the Clermont County Home Page.

Clermont County Board of Commissioners
Robert L. Proud
David H. Uible
Edwin H. Humphrey


Judith Kocica, Clerk of the Board

Request to Publish Notice of Intent to Sell Unneeded, Obsolete, or Unfit Personal Property

Clermont Sun: 02/11/16 & 02/18/16

LEGAL NOTICE                                       

Pursuant to and in compliance with Section 307.12 (E) of the Ohio Revised Code, the Board of County Commissioners of Clermont County, Ohio, adopted Resolution Number 1716 on February 3, 2016, resolving to authorize the sale of unneeded, obsolete or unfit personal property no longer necessary for County use by Internet Auction during Calendar Year 2016.  The Board of County Commissioners of Clermont County, Ohio, has contracted with GovDeals, Inc., 5907 Carmichael Place, Montgomery, Alabama  36117, 1-800-613-0156, via http://www.govdeals.com for the sale of said unneeded, obsolete or unfit personal property no longer necessary for County use by Internet Auction.

Following is a summary of the terms and conditions as established by the Board of Clermont County Commissioners.

  1. Auction Time-Frame – Each auction item will be posted for receipt of bids for at least ten (10) calendar days, including weekends and holidays, unless withdrawn by the Board.
  2. Each auction item is being sold “as is”.
  3. County’s Contact – Clermont County Information Systems Department, 2279 Clermont Center Drive, Batavia, Ohio 45103 or 513-735-8609.
  4. Valueless Property – If no bid is received by the posted bid ending date and time for any specific item, the item is determined to be valueless and may be discarded or salvaged pursuant to Section 307.12(I) of the Ohio Revised Code.
  5. Item Withdrawal – The Board reserves the right to withdraw any item from the auction at any point prior to the award of bid.
  6. Notification – Only the successful bidders will be notified. Notification will be made by e-mail and posted to the auction web site.
  7. Pick-up – All items must be picked up in person. The County will not package or ship any items. Successful bidders must pay for items within five (5) business days of notification of successful bid and pick up items within ten (10) days of notification of successful bid. If an item has not been paid for within five (5) business days, the item will be awarded to the next highest bidder. If a purchaser of an auction item does not take physical possession of the item by removing it from the County warehouse within ten (10) days of payment by purchaser, then the purchaser will be deemed to have abandoned the item of property and to have forfeited the purchase price paid. If an item remains unclaimed by any valid bidder, said item will be disposed of as valueless or at the discretion of the Board re-posted for auction.  Successful bidders must arrange the pick-up of items with the County’s Information Systems Department at least two days before the desired time and date of pick-up. Successful bidder must present their confirmation number and bid number at the time of pick-up. Proof of authority must be presented if the successful bidder is a public entity.
  8. Donation – The Board reserves the right to donate any item determined to be unneeded, obsolete or unfit personal property no longer needed for county use to the Federal Government, the State of Ohio, or any political subdivision of the State of Ohio.
  9. Minimum Bid Price – The Board reserves the right to establish a minimum bid price per auction item. Bids will be placed in increments of at least one dollar ($1.00). Five dollars ($5.00) will be the minimum bid amount unless otherwise specified.
  10. Method of Payment – All payments must be made at the time of pick-up by personal check or money order made payable to the Clermont County Treasurer. A valid driver’s license or other satisfactory identification must be presented with payment in addition to the confirmation number and bid award number notification supplied by the County.

This notice is also posted on the contracting authority’s internet site on the World Wide Web at the following address:  www.clermontcountyohio.gov.  In order to view the legal notice click on the link Legal Notices located on the Clermont County Home Page.



Robert L. Proud, President

David H. Uible, Vice President

Edwin H. Humphrey, Member




Judith Kocica, Clerk of the Board