The Clermont County Board of Commissioners, in cooperation and coordination with the Clermont County Engineer’s Office, will be accepting sealed bids for the furnishing of all labor, equipment, and materials needed to construct PROJECT NO. BA-02-17:TAXIWAY WIDENING AND RESURFACING, CLERMONT COUNTY AIRPORT, in accordance with the Ohio Department of Transportation Construction and Material Specifications ( effective January 1, 2016 and its revisions and supplements), Standard Construction Drawings, Standard Bridge Drawings, Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control, The State of Ohio Department of Transportation Bridge Design Manual, and other applicable standards in force on the date of letting and in accordance with the Project Specifications and Construction Plans on file in the office of the Clermont County Engineer. This project is located at the Clermont County Airport off of Taylor Road, in Batavia Township. The engineer’s estimate for this project is $156,700.
All bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked: BID: PROJECT BA-02-17, TAXIWAY WIDENING AND RESURFACING, CLERMONT COUNTY AIRPORT, and received in the office of the Clermont County Board of Commissioners, 101 East Main Street, Batavia, Ohio 45103-2960, no later than 2:00 P.M. Local Time on Thursday, April 13, 2017 after which time all bids shall be opened and read publicly. Instructions to Bidders, Specifications, Bid Documents, and Plans detailing the terms and conditions of the proposed improvement may be obtained by the interested Bidders from the Clermont County Engineer’s Office, 2381 Clermont Center Drive, Batavia, Ohio 45103, at a non-refundable cost of twenty-five (25) dollars each. The telephone number is (513) 732-8857. The Fax number is (513) 732-8875.
The Clermont County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to waive any informalities, reject any or all bids and to hold such bids for a period of sixty (60) days before taking any action thereon, and to award a contract to the lowest and best bidder.
Each person bidding for a contract for the construction, demolition, alteration, repair, or reconstruction of any public improvement is required to file with his bid a bid guaranty in the form of either (1) a bond for the full amount of the bid or (2) a certified check, cashier’s check or irrevocable letter of credit pursuant to Chapter 1305 of the Ohio Revised Code in an amount equal to ten (10) percent of the bid pursuant to Section 153.54 of the Ohio Revised Code. The successful bidder at the time he/she enters into the contract shall be required to file a performance bond in the full amount of the contract pursuant to Section 153.54(c) of the Ohio Revised Code. In lieu of the Performance Bond, the bidder may submit a combined Bid Guaranty and Contract Bond, in conformance with Section 153.571 of the Ohio Revised Code, with the Bid Proposal. Bid security in Bond form shall be issued by a Surety Company or Corporation licensed in the State of Ohio to provide said surety.
Attention Bidders: Letters of credit and bid bonds must be filed with original signatures. Facsimile and electronic copies of the letter of credit, bid bond and Power of Attorney of the Surety will be deemed non-responsive.
Bidders must comply with the prevailing wage rates on Public Improvements in Clermont County, Ohio as determined by the Ohio Department of Industrial Relations.
This notice will also be posted on Clermont County’s website at the following URL link
In order to view the legal notice please click on the link “Legal Notices” located on the Clermont County Home Page.
David H. Uible
Edwin H. Humphrey
David L. Painter
Judith Kocica, Clerk of the Board
BATAVIA, Ohio (March 22, 2017) – In an effort to address the safety and economic threat of drug abuse in the workplace, organizations in Clermont County are partnering with Working Partners® to launch the Working Partners® Drug-Free Workforce Community Initiative. A critical element of this Initiative is the collection of data to assess business perceptions, attitudes, knowledge and practices as they relate to preventing and addressing substance abuse in the workplace/workforce. Initiative leadership recently began the process of collecting this data through the Business and Community Leader Surveys.
The surveys will gather information about the perceived prevalence and impact of substance abuse on the workplace/workforce; the perceived quality and quantity of the community’s workforce; the extent that components of a drug-free workplace program are being administered (e.g., policy, testing, education/training, assistance); prevalence of job seekers and employees testing positive for drugs; attitudes and practices around offering second chances to job seekers and employees who test positive; knowledge of community-helping resources; and attitudes about substance abuse prevention and treatment.
“We are thrilled to have communities across the state collecting data that will help fuel the Initiative’s overall goal which is to increase an employable, drug-free workforce in Ohio,” said Dee Mason, founder and CEO of Working Partners®. “The data we plan to collect through these surveys has not been gathered before on a statewide level, nor does it exist in the country. It will give us an accurate picture of each county and the data needed to provide necessary recourses where they will be most impactful.”
The initiative was brought to the county by the Clermont County Mental Health and Recovery Board through a $20,000 grant provided by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. The local initiative is led through a collaboration of the CCMHRB, Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services, and the Clermont County Chamber of Commerce.
The Business Survey is being distributed to a representative sample of local businesses and other organizations and completed by leaders with strong infrastructure knowledge about their companies or organizations. The Community Leader Survey will be distributed to community leaders who have insight into the issues and needs of the county’s business community. Survey data will be supplemented with secondary data and used to compile a community report that will guide the effort to develop a strong, drug-free workforce in Clermont County.
“We realize that these surveys will provide critical data for our community report and we are working hard to get input from as many meaningful respondents as we can,” said Clermont County Commissioner Ed Humphrey, who is a member of the Initiative. “This data will help bring to light the issues we face in our community and help us tackle this issue in a focused way and have a true impact.”
OhioMHAS and Working Partners® have developed a public-private partnership to move the Working Partners® Drug-Free Workforce Community Initiative forward throughout the state. The initiative will support local employment strategies related to drug-free workplaces. OhioMHAS has provided funding for 17 local communities to work with Working Partners® to convene and coordinate stakeholders to assess specific community needs and develop local action plans to develop strong local drug-free workforces by employing a variety of best practices that meet these needs.
MEDIA CONTACT: Andrea Paul-Taylor, GCBHS, or 513-354-7197.
BATAVIA, Ohio (March 15, 2017) — The Ohio Twelfth District Court of Appeals, one of 12 courts of appeal in Ohio, will be in Batavia on Tuesday, March 21, to hear oral arguments on two appeals. The arguments will take place at 10:30 a.m. in the courtroom of Judge Jerry R. McBride on the 2nd floor of the Clermont County Common Pleas Courthouse. The arguments are open to the public and will be attended by a class from Milford High School.
The three-judge panel hearing the arguments will consist of Judge Robert P. Ringland, Judge Robert A. Hendrickson and Judge Michael E. Powell. The attorneys arguing the appeals will be available to answer questions from the students after the arguments are finished.
The first case that will be argued is State v. Fridley, Clermont CA2016-06-041. Barry Fridley pled no contest to aggravated vehicular homicide and aggravated vehicular assault in 2015. In December 2015 he was sentenced to a total of seven years in prison. He did not appeal immediately but was granted leave to file a delayed appeal in May 2016. He has raised three assignments of error concerning the denial of a motion to suppress evidence, the imposition of consecutive sentences, and ineffective assistance of trial counsel.
The second case that will be argued is State v. Kaili Fitzgerald, Clermont CA2016-06-041. Kaili Fitzgerald and her husband Michael were both charged with child endangerment due to their infant son’s failure to thrive. Because the court determined that the child suffered serious physical harm, the offense was a 3rd degree felony. Kaili Fitzgerald was convicted and sentenced to five years of community control. She filed an appeal claiming that her conviction was against the manifest weight of the evidence because the evidence did not show that the child suffered serious physical harm.
The Twelfth District Court of Appeals, currently located in the City Building in Middletown, Ohio, reviews cases from Brown, Butler, Clermont, Clinton, Fayette, Madison, Preble and Warren counties. The judges of the court currently include Judge Robert P. Ringland, Judge Robert A. Hendrickson, Judge Michael E. Powell, Judge Robin N. Piper and Judge Stephen W. Powell.
For further information:
Gary Scalf
Court Administrator
Clermont County Common Pleas Court
BATAVIA, Ohio (March 14, 2017) – A tenth-grader from Milford High School was recognized by the Clermont County Commissioners for her winning design in the third annual Spring Litter Clean-Up (SLC) T-shirt Design Contest.
Jenna Bellonby was given a certificate of appreciation at the Commissioners’ March 13 Regular Session for contributing to local education efforts to promote litter prevention and recycling. Jenna’s design was chosen from 181 entries submitted by local K-12 students. The design will be printed on this year’s T-shirt, a thank you gift given to all volunteers who participate in the Spring Litter Clean-Up. The event will be held April 22 throughout Clermont County and the East Fork Little Miami River watershed.
Jenna received a $100 cash prize and an additional $100 for the Milford High School Art Department.
The T-shirt contest and SLC event are sponsored by the Clermont County Convention & Visitors’ Bureau, the Duke Energy Foundation, the Southern Ohio Association of Realtors, and Lykins Energy Solutions.
Jenna has taken classes in photography and graphic design at Milford. She found out about the contest from Christopher Luessen, her teacher. “I thought it would be a fun idea to enter something,” she said. She plans to use her prize money toward the purchase of a new camera.
In addition to the grand prize awards, K-12 awards were given to students attending schools located in Clermont County or the East Fork Little Miami River Watershed. Each grade level winner received a $25 cash prize; the names of local students and their winning designs can be viewed at:
The annual Spring Litter Clean-Up, coordinated by the Clermont Soil and Water Conservation District and Valley View Foundation, is an all-volunteer effort to enhance local communities by cleaning up parks, streams and lakes, and other community areas. “Sometimes we are asked why is the CVB involved?” said Mark Calitri, President of the Convention and Visitors’ Bureau. “Outdoor recreation is so important to tourism, and to attracting visitors to our area.”
Online registration for the April 22 event is open: For more information, contact Clermont Soil & Water Conservation District at 513.732.7075.
About the Clermont Soil and Water Conservation District:
Established in 1943, the district works with the Natural Resources Conservation Service and farmers to control erosion, promote water quality, and enhance wildlife habitat on agricultural working lands. The district provides technical assistance, grants and cost share funding, educational programming and other resources to urban, rural and suburban landowners to help them address a diverse range of local conservation issues. For more information, visit or call 513.732.7075.
OWENSVILLE, Ohio (March 9, 2017) – Clermont Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) will again offer a free pond clinic for county residents. The clinic will be held at 6 p.m. April 4 at Pattison Park Lodge just west of Owensville on US 50. Attendees will hear from SWCD staff and a representative from Jones Fish Hatchery in Newtown. Topics will include pond construction, maintenance and safety. Additional information will be given on fish stocking, aeration, weed control, hazardous algae blooms (HABs), and nuisance wildlife. Stormwater retention ponds will also be addressed.
The ponds in many newer subdivisions not only provide a scenic addition to the community landscape, they also benefit the environment. “When they are properly cared for, these stormwater retention ponds limit flooding and remove a number of pollutants,” said Jake Hahn with Soil and Water Conservation District. Residents should urge their homeowners association to become involved to better understand the benefits and functions of retention ponds.
“Through this free clinic, citizens will learn how recreational and stormwater ponds can be maintained, and the steps to planning their own new ponds,” Hahn said. “Since ponds are not a common natural landscape feature in our area they need additional maintenance and care to function properly and meet the landowners’ expectations.” Clermont SWCD’s goal is to help construct and maintain a safe, functional, and attractive pond. Clermont County Farm Bureau is sponsoring the event.
For more information or to register for the free clinic, contact the Clermont SWCD at 513.732.7075. More information is also available on the Web site
About the Clermont Soil and Water Conservation District:
Established in 1943, the district works with the Natural Resources Conservation Service and farmers to control erosion, promote water quality, and enhance wildlife habitat on agricultural working lands. The district provides technical assistance, grants and cost share funding, educational programming and other resources to urban, rural and suburban landowners to help them address a diverse range of local conservation issues. For more information, visit or call 513.732.7075.
BATAVIA, Ohio (March 9, 2017) – Interested in learning more about county government and how your tax dollars are spent? Clermont County is celebrating National County Government Month – April – by holding open houses on consecutive Tuesdays in April. The public is invited and is asked to register at or call Kathleen Williams at 513.732.7597.
Tuesday, April 4: Meet Your Commissioners
10-11 a.m.: 101 E. Main St., Batavia, Third Floor
Meet the Commissioners in Session Room. Learn about the basics of county government, the BCC’s responsibilities, what’s on tap for 2017. Q&A.
Tuesday, April 11: #GreenClermont – Protecting our water & environment
10 a.m.-noon Bob McEwen Water Treatment Plant, 3960 Greenbriar Road, Batavia
Take a tour of the plant and learn from our Water Resources team how water is treated in Clermont County. Q&A. Also participating: Office of Environmental Quality and Soil & Water Conservation District.
Tuesday, April 18: Law, Order and Justice
11 a.m.-noon: Sheriff’s Office , 4470 SR 222, Batavia
Meet Sheriff Leahy and his chiefs. What is the Sheriff’s Office responsible for? What are its biggest challenges? Q&A.
1-2 p.m.: Municipal Court, 4430 SR 222, Batavia: Representatives from Municipal Court, the Prosecutor’s Office and Public Defender’s Office talk about their roles and how the court functions. Q&A.
1-2 p.m.: Common Pleas Court, 270 E. Main St., Batavia: Representatives from Common Pleas Court, the Prosecutor’s Office and Public Defender’s Office talk about their roles and how the court functions. Q&A.
Tuesday, April 25: Supporting Families & Healthy Living
10 a.m.-11 a.m.: Representatives from Children’s Protective Services, Child Support Enforcement, and Developmental Disabilities on how their agencies make a difference. Q&A.
11 a.m.-noon: Representatives from Clermont Public Health and Mental Health & Recovery Board talk about their initiatives and challenges. Q&A.
Both sessions at Engineer’s Training Room, 2381 Clermont Center Drive, Batavia.
BATAVIA, Ohio (March 6, 2017) – Damage estimates from the March 1 storms that struck Pierce Township, Amelia and other parts of Clermont County exceed $1 million, according to the Clermont County Building Department.
Building inspectors found that six structures, some of which were mobile homes, were destroyed. Fourteen structures had major damage (at least 40% of the structure was damaged); 28 had minor damage (at least 10%), and 40 were affected (at least 5% damage). The structures included homes, mobile homes, commercial buildings and agricultural buildings. Total building value was estimated at $8,272,800 and dollar loss at $1,006,330.
According to the National Weather Service, a tornado, an EF1 in strength, touched down at approximately 3:38 a.m. on March 1 in Pierce Township and traveled approximately 6.4 miles into the Village of Amelia. It was on the ground for about 9 minutes. The heaviest damage occurred in the 1300 block of Locust Lake Road.
A second wave of storms brought 70 mph winds that knocked down trees and power lines. In the Village of Chilo in Franklin Township, three mobile homes were flipped on their tops. The Clermont Park District’s Chilo Lock 34 Park sustained damage to 7-8 buildings and numerous large trees snapped or were uprooted. The Park District estimates damages at approximately $150,000.
BATAVIA, Ohio (March 3, 2017) – Public safety officials from Pierce Township, Amelia Village and Clermont County will be at St. Bernadette’s Fish Fry tonight from 5-7:30 p.m. to provide recovery resources and answer questions on the response to the March 1 storms. St. Bernadette is located at 1479 Locust Lake Road, Amelia.
This weekend, Pierce Township and Amelia Village are hosting a storm cleanup event. Residents can drop off household items, expired food, and furniture from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday to 3685 Lewis Road.
Yard waste, tires, and hazardous materials will not be accepted.
For more information, contact:
Pierce Township : 513.752.6262
Amelia Village: 513.753.4747
BATAVIA, Ohio (March 3, 2017) – Clermont County Public Health is teaming up with Dr. Jerry Miller of Lifetime Pet Center in New Richmond to offer a low-cost rabies vaccination clinic. The clinic will take place from noon-3 p.m. Saturday, March 18, at Grant Career Center, 718 West Plane St., Bethel. The fee is $5 cash.
Rabies is a fatal disease that is spread through the bite or saliva of an infected animal. In 2016, a bat that was found inside a Clermont County home tested positive for rabies. That was the first time since 201, that the county had a positive rabies case. In Ohio, 36 bats and five raccoons tested positive in 2016.
In 2016, Clermont County Public Health investigated 338 animal bites, most of which were from dogs. “The best way to protect your pets from rabies is to keep their vaccinations current,” said Health Commissioner Julianne Nesbit. “Rabies cases in pets are rare because of the success of the vaccine, but if your pet is not vaccinated and becomes exposed, it is 100% fatal,” said Nesbit.
Pets will receive a one-year vaccine at the clinic. Pet owners who bring documentation of their pet’s vaccination status from their veterinarian can receive a three-year vaccination. In order to receive a shot, animals must be in good health and must be on a leash or in a carrier.
“Last year we vaccinated 99 pets, and we’d love to increase that number this year,” said Nesbit.
For more information on the clinic, call Clermont County Public Health at 513-732-7499.
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For more information contact Keith Robinson, at 513-732-7717 or
BATAVIA, Ohio (March 3, 2017) – Clermont County’s 4th annual National Crime Victims’ Rights Week Luncheon will be held at 11:30 a.m. on April 6 at Pattison Park Lodge, 2228 US 50, Batavia. The public is invited to attend.
The lunch is sponsored by the Clermont County Advocacy Alliance on Violence and the Clermont County Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Team.
Speakers will include Scott O’Reilly, an assistant county prosecutor who specializes in child abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault cases, as well as two survivors of domestic violence.
“We began this luncheon four years ago to shine a light on crime victims in Clermont County and to bring awareness to the resources that were available to help them,” said Stephanie Ross, Director of the Victim Assistance Office within the Prosecutor’s Office. Her office assisted more than 2,300 victims of crime in 2016.
The members of the Advocacy Alliance include the Prosecutors Office, YWCA, Mental Health & Recovery Board, Juvenile Court, Sheriff’s Office, Child Focus, and Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services.
For more information, contact Ross at