You can find below: the Clermont County Subdivision Regulations, Township Zoning Contacts, Planning Commission Minutes, Agendas, and Staff Reports. We also provide a plan review portal so that you can check the status of your county submittals.
Planning Commission meetings begin at 5:00 PM on the fourth Tuesday of each month and are typically held at the Clermont County Engineer’s Office, Shared Conference Room located at 2381 Clermont Center Drive, Batavia, OH 45103
Next Meeting: March Planning Commission Meeting
Date/Time: March 25, 2025, @ 5:00 P.M.
Location: Clermont County Engineer’s Office, 2381 Clermont Center Drive, Batavia, OH 45103
Instructions: We look forward to seeing you at the next Clermont County Planning Commission Meeting. Please sign the attendance sheet with your full name, address, and contact information when you arrive.
If you wish to speak for or against an agenda item, please wait until the planning staff finishes their presentation and the Planning Commission Chairperson invites public comment. Before speaking, kindly state your name and address for the record.
If you are unable to attend but still want to share your views on a planning topic, please feel free to contact Clermont County Planning directly at 513-732-7904, or for any other questions, please call 513-732-7825.
Clermont County Planning is a division of the Department of Community and Economic Development. Its main responsibility is to plan, review, and approve all minor and major subdivisions in the County. These subdivisions consist of:
The planning staff also offers professional planning support to the Clermont County Planning Commission. They prepare staff reports and recommendations for zoning map and text amendment cases before the commission. However, the Planning Commission only provides guidance to the local zoning commission and board of trustees on township zoning matters. The Planning Commission has the authority to approve subdivisions in accordance with the Clermont County Subdivision Regulations.
If you have any inquiries about Clermont County Planning, please feel free to contact Clermont County Planning at 513-732-7904.