BATAVIA, OH – Clermont County residents can help preserve history by contributing their thoughts in writing and other remembrances to a COVID-19 pandemic time capsule. The project is co-sponsored by the Board of County Commissioners and the Coalition for a Drug-Free Clermont County.
“We’ve been impressed at how Clermont County residents have come together during this extremely challenging period in our history,” Commissioner Claire Corcoran said. “We will honor their efforts with this special time capsule. We want people in the future to better understand the difficulties that people faced, and how they worked to overcome them.”
Mary Wolff, director of the Coalition for a Drug-Free Clermont County, added: “We’re very excited to have the community join us in this positive endeavor, helping preserve history for future Clermont County residents. I can’t wait to see what people provide for the time capsule.”
The time capsule will be placed in Municipal Court during a ceremony later this year with representatives from County Government and the Coalition for a Drug-Free Clermont County. Plans call for opening the capsule in 10 years.
Help preserve this time in history by submitting photos and writeups via email to Clermont County residents also may mail items to COVID-19 Time Capsule, 101 East Main St. 3rd Floor, Batavia, OH 45103.
Here are some prompts to help those wanting to submit something in writing:
What does the COVID-19 pandemic mean to you?
What are you excited about?
What are you nervous about?
Write a note to future you.