Water Department launches improved online billing system

BATAVIA, Ohio (April 11, 2018) – Clermont County Water Resources Department has implemented a new online system that allows customers:

Customers can reach the portal by going to wrd.clermontcountyohio.gov, where they will see it at the top of the page.

Customers can set up their accounts so that text messages alert them to their bills, and they can even pay their bill via a text message, said Sukie Scheetz, Director of the Office of Management and Budget, which oversees billing for the Water Resources Department.

Previously, customers could pay online, but that service did not allow customers to see any account information.  Now customers can see their bill, account history, account balance, and due date.  They can also set the bill to be paid automatically from a bank account or credit card, or schedule it to be paid.

First Billing Services charges a lower fee per transaction than the current payment processor, Scheetz noted. Customers will be charged 2% or a minimum of $2.25 per credit card transaction and $1.50 per e-check. That compares to $3.45 and $2 respectively that had been charged.

Customers can still pay by mailing checks or using their bank account to pay their bill via a fund transfer and not incur any extra charge, Scheetz said.

“With this step, customers have more options, and more information about their account,” she said. “Our goal is to make getting and paying your bill as easy as possible.”
