Commissioners extend deadline to buy 2018 dog licenses to Feb. 28

BATAVIA, Ohio (Jan. 31, 2018) – Commissioners today approved a one-month extension to the deadline to buy 2018 dog licenses.

The expiration to buy dog tags for this year was today, Jan. 31. But with a new humane society managing the county animal shelter, Commissioners agreed that a one month-extension, to Feb. 28, would be in order.

On Jan. 1, Clermont Animal CARE Humane Society began managing the operations at the county shelter in Batavia. Clermont Animal CARE was awarded a one-year contract, with possible extensions, to manage the shelter in November 2017, following a request for proposal process.

Since then, Clermont Animal CARE has begun an outreach campaign to encourage more dog owners to buy tags for their animals. All license fees go directly into the operation of the animal shelter for the rescue, care and housing of the community’s lost and homeless dogs.

“Clermont Animal CARE approached us to see if we would be open to extending the deadline,” said Auditor Linda Fraley, whose office manages the sale of dog licenses. “They had additional marketing ideas they wanted to have the time to implement, to encourage more people to buy tags before the penalty sets in. We wanted to support that.”

Under Ohio law, all dogs three months of age and older are required to be licensed. The tags help ensure that stray dogs are returned to their owner.

Tags are available throughout the county. The animal shelter, at 4025 Filager Road, also sells tags. One-year licenses cost $16. If tags are bought after Feb. 28, a penalty fee of $16 will be assessed. More information can be found on the Auditor’s website.

Robin Tackett, President of Clermont Animal CARE, said that the organization plans to sell tags at My Furry Valentine, Cincinnati’s largest pet adoption event, on Feb. 10-11 at the Sharonville Convention Center.
