Required Design Plan Information to be Provided by the Applicant
All information listed below must be submitted to the Department of Community Planning and Development before the Design Plan Application is considered complete and eligible for review by the Clermont County Planning Commission.
Project Identification
- Proposed name of subdivision
- Location by military survey or other survey
- Location by township
- Vicinity map showing the proposed subdivision location
Quantities & Dimensions
- Design Plan Drawings – 10
- Design Plan Review Forms – 10
- Design Plan Scale (six acres or less) – 1″ = 50′
- Design Plan Scale (more than six acres) – 1″ = 100′
- Minimum Drawing Size – 18″ X 28″
The following information is to be included/attached to design plan drawings . . .
Project Principals
- Names, addresses, telephone numbers of owner and applicant
- Names, addresses, telephone numbers of engineer and surveyor
- Registration and seals of engineer and surveyor
Measurements, Indicators & Descriptors
- Subdivision boundaries, exact location, parcel layout, lot numbers, lot dimensions, setback lines, existing street names and street dimensions
- Proposed use of lots and buildings, type of business or industry, number of dwelling units, height of buildings, and area of individual lots in square feet
- Names of adjacent subdivisions, owners of adjacent parcels of undivided land and the location of boundary lines
- Locations, dimensions, and names of existing streets, railroad right-of-ways, easements, parks, permanent buildings and corporations, townships, and county lines
- Scale of plan and north point
- Location and dimensions of existing buildings and parks
- Zoning classification of the tract and adjoining properties and a description of proposed zoning changes, if any
- Existing contours at two foot intervals on level land classified as “level” in terrain classification definition which is part of the Clermont County Subdivision Regulations and not greater than 5 foot intervals for all other lands
- Location and dimensions of existing sewers, water lines, culverts, and other underground structures, and power power transmission poles and lines within and adjacent to the tract
- Location and dimensions of proposed utility and sewer lines, showing their connection to the existing systems.
Cross Section Requirements
- Typical cross section of roads, from right-of-way line showing the location of all utility lines and storm sewers
- Pavement designs shall be one of the designs included in the Infrastructure
- Design and Construction Standards for Clermont County
Reserved Parcels
- Parcels of land to be reserved for public use or to be reserved by covenant for private use by residents of the subdivision
Required Details for Commercial, Multifamily, Industrial and Planned Unit Development
- Proposed use of lots and height of all buildings
- Location, dimensions and approximate grade of proposed parking and loading, loading facilities, alleys, pedestrian walks, streets and drive, and other points of circulation, ingress and egress to the development
- Location and proposed development of all open space and common areas
- Location and dimension of all signs
- Location and design of street and parking lighting
- Location and design of all landscaping
Detailed Data Resource Map
- Location and extent of all soils within the project area
- Drainage area of the project
- The location and extent of the tributary drainage features within and adjacent to the proposes projects showing the drainage area of each
- The location and extent of flood zones as defined in Section 503.A.3 of the Clermont County Subdivision Regulations showing floodway areas
- The location of wooded areas, topographic and natural features as which are within and adjacent to the proposed project area
Operating Characteristics
- For commercial and industrial design reviews, a comprehensive identification and analysis of the operating characteristics of a proposed land use, building or structure to specifically include the characteristics and method by which the proposal will mitigate fire hazards, radioactive or electrical disturbance, noise, vibration, air pollution, soil erosion, glare, water pollution, and related or pertinent characteristics and performance
Sanitary Sewer Systems
- A letter stating the type of sewer system proposed