During 2020 Appreciation Week in Clermont County, the Clermont County Mental Health and Recovery Board (CCMHRB) together with the Clermont Opiate Task Force (OTF) would like to acknowledge the first responders in our county that have gone above and beyond in the fight against the opioid epidemic in our County. Without your partnership, Clermont County could not have seen the 43% decrease in opioid related unintentional overdoses in the past several years. THANK YOU!
- Clermont County Sheriff’s Office for their partnership in providing outreach to those surviving an overdose through the Quick Response Team (QRT); placement of a permanent drug drop off box in their office and participating in yearly DEA Drug Take Back Days; being the first law enforcement agency to carry Naloxone in Clermont County; and providing dedicated staff to Co-chair the OTF-Cpt. Jeff Sellars. Sheriff Leahy was selected as the recipient of the CARES state award in 2019 for his outstanding leadership in addressing the opioid epidemic.
- Pierce Township Police Department, and specifically Chief Jeff Bachman, for his time and dedication to assisting the Quick Response Team (QRT) with outreach in his jurisdiction; providing his officers with access to Naloxone; having a permanent drug drop box in their office and participating in yearly DEA Drug Take Back Days; and his willingness to pilot programming to assist those residents struggling with behavioral health needs.
- The Milford/Miami Township Addiction Response Team for providing dedicated staff in both the police and EMS departments in both jurisdictions to assist with providing outreach to residents of either jurisdiction who have survived an overdose.
- Union Township Fire/EMS, and Chief Stan Deimling, for his willingness to partner to development unique ideas to address opioid overdoses; for the continued support of the Quick Response Team (QRT) in Union Township and for assistance with targeted Naloxone outreach efforts.
- Chief Brad Moore, Felicity/Franklin Fire/MS for his tireless advocacy to provide support, hope, and treatment to Felicity residents.
Additionally, the work and support of the following partners has had an impact on the success of the OTF, we want to THANK YOU :
- Clermont County Board of Commissioners for continuing to participate in the work of the OTF; collaborating to assure County residents are connected to needed treatment; and supporting the mission of the CCMHRB and the OTF.
- Clermont County Public Health Department for joining forces with the CCMHRB to support the OTF; providing dedicated staff to address opioid misuse prevention-Tyra Scherer; providing guidance to the OTF; assisting with education/awareness campaigns; and providing community partners with resources such as Naloxone.
- The volunteer Chairs of the OTF: OTF Co-Chair Jeff Sellars for his time and passion related to decreasing the overdose rate in Clermont County; Mary Wolff for her assistance with opioid related prevention; Angie Livesey for chairing the Adverse Childhood Experiences OTF subcommittee; and Dr Steven Feagins for chairing the OTF treatment subcommittee.
- Clermont County Public Information Office for partnering with the OTF to educate the community on the dangers of opioid misuse, and treatment options.