BATAVIA, Ohio (Nov. 15, 2018) – At their Regular Session on Nov. 14, Clermont County Commissioners dismissed budget analyst Amy DeClaire from her position effective immediately.
DeClaire began work on Oct. 8 as a budget analyst for the Office of Management & Budget. She is also Brown County Recorder. At the time she was hired, she was expected to shortly resign her Brown County office.
Under Ohio Revised Code, a classified employee, which DeClaire was, cannot engage in political activities.
DeClaire was introduced to Commissioners at Session on Nov. 7 along with other new employees, but they were not aware at the time that she was still in her position as Recorder. “As soon as I learned there was a problem, the Board of County Commissioners took action at its next session, which was yesterday, and we addressed it,” said Commissioner Ed Humphrey, President of the Board of County Commissioners.
Commissioner David Painter said, “Yesterday, November 14, 2018, Ms. DeClaire’s employment was terminated with Clermont County due to a violation of the Ohio Revised Code. The situation was rectified on the earliest date that the Clermont County Board of Commissioners convened. I want you to know that I stand fully accountable for this error to you, the citizens of Clermont County.”
Commissioner David Uible said, “We try to ensure that we are transparent in county government. It’s important to us. And so we acted quickly when this violation came to our attention.”