Changes due to COVID-19

Updated May 19, 2021

Unless an individual is fully vaccinated, all persons are required to wear a facial covering and engage in social distancing at all times in or on Clermont County government grounds or premises.

BATAVIA, OH – In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Clermont County government has made a number of changes in delivery of services. Some actions include closing waiting rooms, providing services online and getting payments via drop boxes and mail. These moves were taken in response to guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Ohio Department of Health and Clermont County Public Health. We seek to slow the spread of this disease, while continuing to carry forth the essential operations of government. Our goal is to protect the health of our employees and those they serve. As the economy reopens, we are cautiously and carefully adjusting the way we serve the public. Please note that this page is being updated frequently.

Animal Shelter: In the meantime, the shelter is operational for Dog Warden Cases.  Please call 732-8854 for more information or visit

Auditor: The first and second-floor offices at 101 E. Main St., Batavia, are accessible to the public by appointment only.  Appointments may be requested by calling 513-732-7150. Staff will continue all daily operations during normal business hours, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Although appointments are available, the office encourages individuals to continue to utilize electronic resources found on or secure dropbox/mail slot located at the front and rear door of the Administration building.

Auto Title Offices: The following offices are accessible to the public, effective May 26:
-Milford Title Office
-Batavia Auto Title
-Beechmont Auto Title
Continue to check the clerk’s website for updates:

Board of County Commissioners: Weekly meetings are streamed on Facebook and You also may watch the session on a video screen across the hall from the meeting at 101 E. Main St. in Batavia.

Board of Elections: Visit for the latest voting information.

Building Inspection: Lobby is Open effective February 1, 2021. The Building Inspection Department/Permit Central Lobby will be accessible to the public for limited transactions and services from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.  You must be in line at 4 p.m. to receive service the same day. The number of customers in the Permit Central Lobby will be limited to four (4) people. New Lobby Procedures: This is a shared lobby space and has very limited access. Directional signage is posted on site to assist you. Please only send one person to complete transactions. You may be asked to leave the lobby, if occupancy is over the limit of four. We currently have limited space available to swap plans or replace sheets in plans.  When possible, please bring complete sets of the entire project.  Please wear a mask when inside the building, practice social distancing, and respect the people around you. Customers are encouraged to avoid entering the building if they are experiencing any of the following symptoms:  nasal congestion, sore throat, achiness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, cough or shortness of breath. Please complete forms prior to entering the lobby. This will help our staff to provide you with more prompt and expedient customer service. Applying for Permits: Please utilize the Contact Us Tab to find different options on how to apply. Drop Box: Please utilize the drop box near the front door. This box is checked daily at 4 p.m. The Drop Box is available 24 hrs a day. Plan Approvals/Pick Up Box: Please provide a self-addressed stamped envelope or pre-paid carrier package for the mailing of approved plans. If you are picking up plans only, please contact the office and we can place them in the Pick up Box for same day pick up between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Contact Us: Meetings with Building Inspection Staff will be limited to appointment only.  We encourage the use of Skype, Zoom, and FaceTime for meetings whenever possible.  If you have any questions please utilize our Contact Us Tab for information on how to apply for a permit and to contact staff. Virtual Inspections: Please see our Virtual Inspections Guide to see if a virtual inspection can be completed for your project.

Clermont Transportation Connection: CTC offices at 4003 Filager Road, Batavia, are closed to the public. The offices are accepting required deliveries only. For updated information visit You may call CTC at 513-732-7433.

Communications Center, Emergency Management Agency: Offices at 2279 Clermont Center Drive, Batavia, are closed to the public. The offices are accepting required deliveries only. For additional information, please call the Communications Center at 513-732-2231 or Emergency Management Agency at 513-732-7661.

Common Pleas Court: Until further notice, access to the building will be limited to:
A. Officials and staffs of the following offices and departments: Court, Clerk of Courts, Adult Probation Department, and Law Library;
B. Persons present for scheduled cases, including parties to cases and their immediate family members, pro se litigants, victims and their immediate family members, a victim representative, witnesses, and jurors and prospective jurors;.
C. Persons seeking to file or access papers in any office, or seeking to file a petition for a civil protection order, or paying court costs or restitution;
D. Attorneys and staff having business before the Court or with any office in the Courthouse;
E. Law enforcement officers having business before the Court or with any office in the Courthouse; and
F. Members of the press;
Court Services shall continue to enforce the screening requirements currently in place as routine safety measures for the Courthouse.
In addition, court services shall perform COVID-19 health screening as to all persons entering the courthouse.
Screening will include taking of temperature using a temporal thermometer and the following questions, and others like them:
Within the past 24 hours, have you felt like you had a fever?
Within the past 24 hours, have you had a new or worsening cough, shortness of breath, a sore throat, or headaches?
Is your health being monitored by a doctor or any local health department for any COVID-19 symptoms?
Within the past 14 days, have you had contact with anyone known to be infected by COVID-19?
Have you traveled outside the United States within the last 21 days or have you been quarantined by any health department or director of health?
If persons are asked to empty belongings onto a common surface, such as a tray, the common surface should be sanitized after each use.
Court Services may deny entrance to anyone they determine may present a risk to the health and safety of others, based upon the results of these screening protocols.
Appropriate markings shall be made to maintain social distancing of at least six feet between persons when entering the courthouse.
Persons entering the building shall be informed of the six-foot social distancing requirement.
Face coverings (covering both mouth and nose) or masks shall be required for entry into the building. This does not need to be a hospital-grade mask (does not need to be N95).
A facial mask or covering shall be provided to a person wishing to enter the courthouse if the person does not have a suitable mask.
Anyone permitted to enter the Courthouse shall be required to clean his/her hands, immediately upon entrance, with appropriate hand sanitizer that will be available at the Courthouse checkpoint.

Common Pleas Clerk of Courts: Effective Oct. 5, the Common Pleas Clerk of Courts hours of operation are 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. For more information

Community and Economic Development: Lot Split/711 Transfer/Replats: Submit all applications to Permit Central via US Mail to 2275 Bauer Road, Batavia, OH 45103. Applications that require a notary will need to be addressed by the applicant. Major Subdivision/P.U.D’s: Submit application packet to Taylor Corbett, 101 East Main St. 3rd Floor, Batavia, OH 45103 and via email to

Coroner’s Office: The Coroner’s Office is open as usual.

County Administration Building (101 E. Main St., Batavia): The Board of County Commissioners Offices, Office of Management and Budget, Human Resources and Community and Economic Development are closed to the public. However, necessary deliveries are accepted during normal business hours. Lobbies on the second and third floor are open for all necessary deliveries. Call 513-732-7300 for assistance.

Developmental Disabilities: Offices are closed to the public, but administrative staff are in and can be reached by calling (513) 732-7000. Service and Support Administrators (social work staff) are working remotely/holding meetings via Zoom and conference calls.  Limited in-person meetings are taking place for those without access to virtual platforms; social distancing and masks are required for this.  School Age Services have ended for the school year. Adult Services Programs are closed. Early Intervention staff are working remotely and meeting with families via Zoom and conference call options.

Domestic Relations Court: The Domestic Relations Clerk of Courts hours of operation are 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Engineer: The County Engineer offices at 2381 Clermont Center Drive are open to the public for pre-scheduled appointments or document dropoff to the lobby. The lobby capacity will be limited to two visitors at any time. Tax Map documents can continue to be E-filed, or mailed (2381 Clermont Center Drive, Batavia, Ohio 45103). Visit to start an E-file process. Staff will continue to be available for processing documents and answering phones and e-mails. Visit the County Engineer website for contact information to schedule appointments –

Facilities: County Facilities Management at 4001 Filager Road, Batavia, is closed to the public. The office is accepting required deliveries only. For additional information, call County Facilities at 513-732-8850.

Fleet Services: Fleet offices at 4005 Filager Road, Batavia, are closed to the public. The offices are accepting required deliveries only. For additional information, call: 513-732-7775.

Job and Family Services: Continues to take precautions to keep customers and employees healthy. Pursuant to the Level 3 Public Health Advisory Order all customers must wear a face covering when conducting business in the building.  Although lobbies are open to the public, use of online services encouraged when possible. Continue to use dropbox at West Entrance for submitting documents — and to contact the agency via phone, fax, or email.

Public Assistance– The lobby is open 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday-Friday, following the Responsible Protocols for Getting Ohio Back to Work. Staff are wearing face coverings and we are asking customers to follow the same guideline. Continue to use the dropbox for submitting documents and to contact the agency via phone, fax, or email before visiting our lobby. The number of lobby patrons is limited to eight customers.  If there are greater than eight customers, you will be asked to wait in your vehicle.  Listed below are the different ways you can contact our agency or apply for SNAP/TANF/Medical/Child Care benefits.

Children’s Protective Services – 513-732-7173

Ohio Means Jobs Clermont – Center open 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday-Friday, following the Responsible Protocols for Getting Ohio Back to Work. Staff are wearing face coverings and we are asking customers to follow the same guideline. Continue to make contact with the agency via phone, fax, or email and use the dropbox at the West Entry for submitting documents; or contact your consultant for other options before visiting our lobby.  Due to the size of our lobby we are operating by appointment only.

Child Support Enforcement – Customers are strongly encouraged to have a scheduled appointment when they visit the office.  Appointments can be made by contacting your caseworker or calling (513) 732-7248.  Customers may also visit and refer to the “Contact Us” on the homepage for caseworker contact information including email address. Paperwork may be emailed to your caseworker, or to, or faxed to (513) 732-7444.  Paperwork may also be dropped off at the “blue drop box” located at the West Entry, 2400 Clermont Center Drive, Batavia, Ohio 45103.

Mental Health and Recovery Board: Crisis services are available for any Clermont County resident and can be reached through the 24/7 Crisis Hotline number: 528-SAVE. Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services (GCB) provides comprehensive mental health and substance use services (Clermont Recovery Center/CRC), for adolescents and adults, along with other supportive services. GCB sites are open and accepting new clients. Call 513-947-7000 if you need support for mental health or substance use issues.” In addition, you can check the GCB website As an essential provider, Child Focus (CFI) has continued to provide mental health services remotely. CFI is offering both in-office and telehealth services and will observe strict adherence to mandatory health and safety protocols issued by the Governor’s Office and the Board of Health. Please call 752-1555 to schedule an appointment or 24/7 crisis hotline 528-SAVE (7283) for immediate support. Phase 1 has started for our childcare program and the children are returning to our centers. We continue to register children ages birth to five for Head Start preschool in the Fall. Please call 528-7224 or register online at
To protect our clients and staff, you must adhere to our facility entrance requirements including wearing a mask and being COVID-19 Fever and Symptom Free. Our hours of operation include:
Corporate Office: 4629 Aicholtz Road, Lower Level
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday
Early Learning: 4629 Aicholtz Road, Upper Level:
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday
Mental Health: 4633 Aicholtz Road are:
8 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Thursday
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Friday
Vulnerable Population Only Hours
11 a.m.-noon Monday, 5 p.m.-6 p.m. Tuesday, 1 p.m.-2 p.m. Wednesday and 2 p.m.-3 p.m. Thursday
Clermont County Mental Health and Recovery Board (CCMRHB) staff are working in the office and remotely, with someone in the office 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. daily. Staff can be reached at 732-5400. Information on coping with psychological distress is available on the website at

Municipal Court: Open for normal business, subject to the following restrictions:
(1) Public access to the Clermont County Municipal Courthouse shall be limited to parties to cases (Plaintiffs, the State of Ohio, and Defendants), attorneys, alleged victims, subpoenaed witnesses in criminal cases, witnesses in civil cases, media, police officers, people on reporting probation, mail carriers, and supply deliverers.
(2) The Court will conduct arraignments, bond hearings, pre-trials, plea or trial settings, and all contested matters including jury trials. The Court will conduct all civil hearings, including evictions, garnishments, replevins, and consider requests for driving privileges.
(3) Courtroom access shall be limited to no more than ten (10) people at a time, or a number set by the Court, in its discretion.
(4) All members of the public must maintain six feet of separation between themselves and others unless contact between court staff and the public is necessary for court operations. The Court will determine when contact is necessary.
(5) Any person entering the courthouse must wear a facial covering, which covers the wearer’s nose and mouth. Members of the public may bring their own masks. If a member of the public does not have a mask, the Court will provide a mask.
(6) Any person entering the courthouse must submit to his or her temperature being taken by the Clermont County Sheriff or someone designated by the Court.
(7) The Court has the authority to deny access to the courthouse or remove from the courthouse anyone who fails to abide by the terms of this order.

Municipal Adult Probation & Community Service Department:Effective Monday, May 11, is open to the public, Monday-Friday. Restrictions in place for visitors to the Municipal Court building apply to those visiting the department.  Community Service:  The work crews resumed limited operations on May 18. The crews will only be running weekdays, Monday-Friday, closed weekends. Masks and gloves will be mandatory – these will not be provided. Each participant must bring their own lunch – there will not be access to restaurants or businesses to obtain food. Anyone displaying signs of or claiming to be ill will not be permitted to work on the crew. As always, participants should dress according to the weather and report for the crew by 8 a.m. Contact the community service office with any questions at (513) 732-8125.

OSU Extension Office/Clermont County: Staff is telecommuting. If you have questions, please call 513-732-7070.

Parks: The Park District conducts business during its normal hours of 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday; offices are closed to the public. To reach the business office, call 513-732-2977 or write Guests may pay for a facility rental by mail or over the phone. Viewings of the Pattison Lodge and Hartman Cabin have been discontinued until further notice. Call the Park District office for any additional information on facility rentals at 513-732-2977. The Chilo Lock 34 Park Visitor Center and Museum will be closed until further notice. Yurt rentals at Chilo have been suspended and all interpretive naturalist programs throughout the Park District remain on hold as well. Parks and nature preserves – including walking paths, hiking trails and river accesses – remain open for the public to enjoy. Hours are sunrise to dusk, seven days a week. The Park District maintenance staff has instituted a series of daily disinfectant protocols for all public and rental spaces, including Pattison Lodge and Hartman Cabin. Beginning June 10, playgrounds in the Park District re-opened for guests. The Park District has playgrounds at Shor Park in Union Township, Chilo Lock 34 Park in Chilo and Sycamore Park in Batavia; the new playground at Pattison Park outside Owensville is not complete, but should be ready for visitors later this year.  Park District picnic shelters at Chilo Lock 34, Hartman Log Cabin, Pattison, Shor and Sycamore parks are taped off to remind people not to gather in large groups. Park District restroom facilities also have been closed, but port-a-potties are available in each of the parks.

Prosecutor: The offices of the prosecutor are open as usual, with limited staff. Prosecutors, law enforcement officers, victims, and victim advocates will meet by appointment only. Civil Division staff are working remotely. The drop off box outside of its door is checked daily.

Probate/Juvenile Court: The Clermont County Juvenile Court, located at 2340 Clermont Center Drive, Batavia, OH 45103, will accept filings on behalf of the Clermont Court Probate Court. The existing Probate Court facility, located at 2379 Clermont Center Drive, Batavia, OH 45103, will remain in operation for as long as staff is available. The Probate Court facility, located at 2379 Clermont Center Drive, Batavia, OH 45103, will not be open to the public, including counsel. It will be locked to prevent public entry. All in-person business of the Probate Court will take place at the Juvenile Court. The Probate Court will only accept fax filings as authorized by Local Rule 57.5 at 513-732-8183. For the latest information, see

Public Defender: Hours of operation are 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Office access is restricted for attorneys and staff only. If you need to talk with your attorney about your case, please reach out to them via phone or email. Intakes (applications for representation) done by phone. If you want us to represent you, call 513-732-7223 and select the Department in which you are calling. In the event no one is able to take your call, call 513-732-7240 and leave a message. Your court date likely has or will change. Contact the court to check on the status of your case, or you can check the docket:
Clermont County Common Pleas Court (felonies)
Assignment Commissioner: 513-732-7108
Common Pleas Clerk:  http://crtvweb/case_access.html
Municipal Court (misdemeanors) 513-732-7418
Municipal Court Clerk: http://crtvweb/case_access.html
Child Support Contempt’s and Juvenile Cases
Juvenile Court – 513-732-7696
Domestic Relations – 513-732-7327
Will continue to monitor the situation, and will post updates and changes on

Public Health: The lobby at Permit Central is open with limited access from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Birth certificates should be ordered online. To apply for permits,  mail in your application, or use dropbox outside the building. To view permits or complaint records, use the self-service portal at Call 513-732-7499 for more information.

Records Center: The Records Center is closed to the public. For historical records requests, please call 513-735-8660 or email

Recorder: The Recorder’s Office is open to accept walk-in recordings. Office hours for recording are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Due to space restrictions, visits to the office for document research will still be by appointment only. You may schedule an appointment by contacting (513) 732-7236 or by email at The office will continue to process records requests via email. Masks MUST be worn and social distancing will be mandatory while in the Recorder’s Office. Please call the office upon arrival to be escorted through the locked doors. Documents for recording will continue to be received via e-filing, mail or drop off. Be sure to include checks for exact payment amounts, your contact information and an envelope for return. There are labeled drop boxes located in the front and back lobbies on the first floor of our building at:

Clermont County Recorder’s Office
101 East Main Street
Batavia, OH 45103

Use of E-Filing during this time as it is the quickest and easiest way to process recordings. Click here for instructions on how to get started E-Filing:

Senior Services: All critical home-based are continuing to operate.  These programs include Home Care, Meals-on-Wheels, Transportation, Adult Protective Services and Guardianship Investigations. The Lois Brown Dale Adult Day Services Welcome Center is closed to all customers. All non-critical home repairs are suspended. Contact Helen Fisher ( if you have any questions. Lifelong Learning Centers, located at the Union Township Civic Center, Miami Township Civic Center and Bethel Woods, are closed until further notice. Staff may phone customers prior to your appointment, requesting information to help us better prepare for service. Those persons we serve are being asked to alert their case managers or specific departments (i.e. Transportation, Home Care, Meals-onWheels) if they are presenting any of the common symptoms, such as an elevated temperature, coughing, sneezing and/or shortness of breath. All seven senior housing communities operated by Clermont Senior Services are following precautionary guidelines and are not hosting events or activities in their respective community rooms. Further, there are limitations with regard to visits. All visitors are being required to sign in upon entering a facility. Call the property manager at the respective community for more information.  All other currently operating services of Clermont Senior Services will continue for residents receiving services in the facilities (home care, transportation to medical appointments and meals-on-wheels). Clermont Senior Services is accepting donations and distributing items for/from an Emergency COVIC-19 Pantry, specifically intended to assist seniors in Clermont County during this crisis.  Donations can be dropped off or picked up.  For more specific locations and a list of priority items needed, please refer to our website, or call 513-724-1255. To assist supporting those seniors who regularly attend the CSS Adult Day Services Center, and to help deter social isolation, Senior Services has started a series of interactive online activities and entertainment. Families and customers are contacted and advised of the availability of the opportunity and given instructions on accessing through Zoom. Extending efforts to assist well and active seniors with social isolation, programming at the Lifelong Learning Centers is being provided in the same manner. Senior Services is also teaming up with the University of Cincinnati-Clermont and links to available learning opportunities can be found at or by calling the Union Township Lifelong Learning Center at 947-7344. Anyone with questions may call Senior Services at 724-1255.

Soil and Water Conservation District: Employees will be voluntarily telecommuting until further notice. Staff will have access to and be answering emails during this time, and appointments can be made if necessary. To reach staff, email or call 513-732-7075.

Sheriff’s Office: The Clermont County Jail is closed to all non-essential personnel. All inmate visitation is canceled until further notice. Essential personnel includes: medical, nursing, mental health professionals, and attorneys. The Sheriff’s Office located at 4470 OH-222, Batavia will operate with business as usual. If you have questions, see

Treasurer’s Office: The Clermont County Treasurer’s Office is accessible to the public during normal business hours, 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday. The number of customers permitted in the lobby at one time is limited and customers are asked to follow social distancing requirements. Taxpayers are encouraged to mail their payments or use the night deposit box located by the front door of the Administration Building at 101 E. Main Street, Batavia. Taxpayers may also pay by phone or website and that information can be found at under “How to Pay.”  Please call the Treasurer’s Office at 513-732-7254 if you have questions. Please do not enter the office if you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 or any other contagious illness. Thank you for your continued cooperation.

Water Resources: The office at the Water Resources Department is accessible to the public during normal business hours, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday. The number of customers allowed in the building at a time is limited and customers need to follow social distancing requirements. Customers are encouraged to continue to use the night deposit box if they are just dropping off a payment or call 513-732-7970 if they have questions. Customers are asked not to enter the building if they are experiencing any of the following symptoms: nasal congestion, diarrhea, sore throat, fever (>100.4 F), achiness, cough, nausea, shortness of breath, vomiting.

Veterans Service Commission: Contact your VA provider and ask about telehealth, video health, transportation or re-scheduling options that may be available to you. NO WALK-INS will be authorized and the office is closed for in-person visits. Commission employees remain working but we ask all business be handled remotely by telephone or email. Signatures will be obtained through “curbside drive-thru” on a case-by-case basis as directed by your Service Officer. A lockbox has been placed in the lobby of the Heritage Building, 76 S. Riverside Dr., Batavia, for dropping off Emergency Financial Assistance applications and any VA paperwork for your Service Officer. You will receive a phone call within 24-48 hours from your Service Officer with further details. For questions please call 513-732-7363 or email the director at