Severe Weather Awareness Week: Be Prepared!

BATAVIA, OH (March 19, 2023) — Ohio Severe Weather Awareness Week is March 1925.  This is a good time to review emergency plans for flooding, tornados, and strong thunderstorms that can occur in the spring and summer.

As part of Severe Weather Awareness Week, the Ohio Committee for Severe Weather Awareness is coordinating a statewide tornado drill on Wednesday, March 22, at 9:50 a.m.  Clermont County will not be sounding the outdoor warning sirens at that time. The county tests the outdoor warning sirens on the first Wednesday of each month at 12:00 p.m.

For more information, contact the Clermont County EMA at 513-732-7661 or e-mail

Content Provided by:  Pam Haverkos, Clermont Emergency Management Agency Director

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Emergency Notification – encourage the public to have multiple ways to receive alerts and warnings