New campus planned for Highway Operations, Fleet Maintenance

BATAVIA, OH (Jan. 25, 2023) — Plans for a proposed campus in Batavia that would replace outdated buildings and outdoor storage for County Engineer’s Office Highway Operations and Clermont County Fleet Maintenance are moving ahead.

Clermont County Engineer Jeremy Evans plans to request that the Board of County Commissioners authorize bid advertisements on Feb. 8 for a 7-acre campus with total building square footage of 74,550. Construction would begin in summer and finish a year later, Evans said in an update to the Commissioners today.

The first phase of the Filager Campus, planned for across State Route 222 from existing facilities as old as 64 years, is estimated to cost between $17.5 million and $18.56 million. It would include an enclosed garage for highway operations trucks, space for fleet maintenance and mechanics, a salt barn, a fuel station and covered storage.

Commissioners authorized a Request for Qualifications (RFQs) for the project on June 30, 2021. Eight RFQs were received and reviewed. On Dec. 6, 2021, the board authorized a contract with Garmann Miller, a design firm. Construction drawings were submitted to Permit Central on Sept. 30, 2022.

A second phase would include demolition and cleanup of existing buildings and construction of office space for the Engineer’s Office and Clermont Transportation Connection.