Study to help county secure funding for improved Internet

BATAVIA, OH (Dec. 15, 2022) — Clermont County Commissioners want to have strong, high-speed Internet access county-wide. Based on raw census data and comparisons of other regions, thousands would benefit from available and affordable broadband. Many are not served or are under-served.

Clermont County is working with the firms Insight and CobbFendley to complete a comprehensive study of the county’s Internet resources. Citizens are being asked to complete an online survey so the county can understand Internet access and needs. The more people who complete the survey and test, the better picture the county will have of its strengths and weaknesses for coverage. The survey will also include a speed test to pinpoint exact speeds of Internet service. This data will help the county potentially secure funding for a broadband project.

Here is a link to the survey:

Be sure to complete the speed test at your home so that your home Internet is the data recorded.

Forward the survey to friends and neighbors who live or do business in Clermont County and rely on the Internet.