BATAVIA, OH – At the recommendation of County Engineer Jeremy Evans, the Board of County Commissioners today executed agreements for the resurfacing of roads in Batavia, Pierce and Williamsburg townships and the villages of Williamsburg and Moscow in 2022.
Batavia Township (estimated cost: $252,932.70) – Erion Road, Greenbriar Road, Natchez (stub, east & west), Oak Alley (and stub), Sperling Drive, Stanton Hall, Woodlands Drive.
Pierce Township (estimated cost: $602,709.54) – Appomatox Drive, Arrowhead Drive, Deer Creek Drive, Drake, Eastridge Drive, Hummingbird Way, Lang Road, Lenkenann Drive, Mynah Drive, Pond Lane, Redthrone Drive, Sandpiper Court, West Legendary Run, Will-o-ee Drive.
Williamsburg Township (estimated cost: $142,139.75) – Bass Road, Coon Avenue, Maple Drive, North Ellis Road.
Village of Moscow (estimated cost: $34,767.04) – Broadway Street.
Village of Williamsburg (estimated cost: $93,803) – North High Street, South Fourth Street, South Third Street, Walnut Street)
The county will undertake the public bidding procedure for the improvements to be paid to the County Engineer by boards of township trustees and village councils.