Plan calls for improvements to water mains, water tanks and sewers

BATAVIA, OH — The Clermont County Water Resources Department’s 5-year capital improvement plan (2020-2024) calls for many improvements to water mains, water tanks and sewers.

Lyle Bloom, the department’s director, explained the plan to the Board of County Commissioners in their May 20 meeting. Official approval is planned within the next several weeks.

The plan identified 58 water works capital improvements valued at $35.4 million, including 25 water main replacement projects ($22.5 million), elevated water tank inspection, rehab and painting projects ($3.1 million), water treatment plant and well field improvement projects ($3.4 million), new infrastructure/expansion projects ($6.2 million) and petition/assessment projects ($167,000).

Water main improvement projects include more than 665,000 feet (126 miles) of water main upgrades. The water mains were installed, 1954-1959, with a useful life of about 80 years. In 2020, Water Resources plans to replace 20,000 feet. By 2033, about 40,000 feet per year will be replaced. Projects are prioritized based on water main break frequency and the impact of breaks. When possible, Water Resources coordinates with the Transportation Improvement District and ODOT.

The plan calls for 59 wastewater capital improvements estimated at $64.1 million, including 21 sewer replacement/rehabilitation projects ($24.2 million), 12 lift station replacement, upgrade or elimination projects ($12.4 million), 12 wastewater treatment plant improvement or elimination projects ($12.4 million), new infrastructure/expansion projects ($2.5 million), and petition/assessment projects ($12.6 million).

Waterworks capital improvement funding includes:

Available funding (2020-2024) $39,527,844.00

Wastewater capital improvement funding includes:

Available funding (2020-2024) $59,470,634.00

Water main replacement projects include:

Elevated water tank inspection, rehab and painting projects include:

Sewer replacement/rehabilitation projects include:

Lift station replacement, upgrade or elimination projects include