Native plants available at discounted prices

BATAVIA, OH (March 5, 2020) – Beautify your outdoor space and help pollinators.

Clermont Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is offering tree and native shrub seedlings, as well as native perennials, at discount prices. This program offers the opportunity for individuals to develop small areas of reforestation, wildlife enhancement, or additions to home landscaping.

Order deadline is April 9, or while supplies last. Please order early to guarantee availability. Plant pickup will take place April 16-17 at the Clermont County Fairgrounds.

For detailed descriptions and photos, visit

Most of the seedlings offered are from 12 to 24 inches tall. Tree and shrub seedlings will be bare rooted. The district dips the plants in a root preservative to help keep the roots from drying out and wraps them in a plastic bag. Most packets will be in a bag about the size of a grocery bag and can easily be placed in your car for pickup.

New this year: SWCD is offering native hybrid perennials as “plugs” about 2 inches in diameter and a robust 4.5 inches deep.

Why plugs?