Commissioners approve funding for school suicide prevention programs

BATAVIA, OH (Aug. 30, 2019) — County Commissioners this week approved about $20,000 in funding from Clermont County Family and Children First (FCF) for suicide prevention services for five school districts.

Besides the suicide prevention activities that FCF supports, the Clermont County Mental Health & Recovery Board supports other suicide prevention programs through its funds and through ENGAGE 2.0 funding.  Also, the Milford-Miami Township Drug Free Coalition is supporting suicide prevention activities in Milford.  They have worked together to ensure resources don’t overlap.

FCF has funded suicide prevention program for many years. Initially, FCF funded schools to implement the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, as it’s known that bullying can lead to suicide. Then, FCF switched to the schools asking for funding for specific programs that they would like to implement.

The Clermont County Family and Children First Council was established in the mid-nineties in response to Section 121.37 of the Ohio Revised Code. Clermont County FCFC is comprised of government agencies, community stakeholders and parents, committed to improving the well-being of children and families through the strategic coordination of resources. Councils are designed to draw people out of their day-to-day systems to align resources and activities around a shared vision for Ohio’s families and children to thrive and succeed.

FCF receives state and federal funds for some programs, but most of its funds come from local contributions – from MHRB, Juvenile Court, JFS/CPS, BCC, Public Health, Clermont Recovery Center/GCBHS and Board of Developmental Disabilities.  All of the funds that FCFC uses to support suicide prevention programs are local monies.
