BATAVIA, Ohio (July 24, 2019) — The Clermont County Emergency Management Agency has partnered with the local cities, townships, villages and county agencies to update the All-Hazards Mitigation Plan. To gain a sense of public sentiment, the county requests feedback by Aug. 23.
The plan is required by 44 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 201 and the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act. Local jurisdictions must update the plan every five years to remain eligible for pre-disaster and post-disaster mitigation grant programs. The existing county plan was adopted in 2014.
The Draft All-Hazards Mitigation Plan is available at: Hard copies are available at all 10 Clermont County libraries and the County Administration Building (101 E. Main Street, 3rd Floor, Batavia).
Feedback can be submitted via:
The purpose of the All-Hazards Mitigation Plan is to: identify the hazards that could affect Clermont County, including the cities, villages and townships within the county; identify mitigation activities to eliminate/reduce any losses from those hazards; and establish a coordinated process to implement the plan, taking advantage of state and federal grant opportunities.
During the plan development process, communities identified hazards that could affect their residents and developed potential mitigation actions to reduce or eliminate risk. The comment period provides an opportunity for all community partners to review the draft plan and share their feedback.
The All-Hazards Mitigation Plan increases public awareness of local hazards and helps the county communicate local needs to state and federal officials when funding becomes available, particularly following a disaster.