Public invited to attend All-Hazards Mitigation Plan meeting

BATAVIA, Ohio (Jan. 8, 2019) – The public is invited to participate in the process of updating Clermont County’s All-Hazards Mitigation Plan by attending a meeting from 5:30-6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 23, at the Pierce Township Administration Building, 950 Locust Corner Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45245.

It’s necessary to update the plan every five years so that Clermont County and participating communities can remain eligible for pre-disaster and post-disaster mitigation grant programs.

The purpose of the All-Hazards Mitigation Plan is to:

  1. Identify natural hazards that could affect Clermont County, including the cities, villages, and townships within the county;
  2. Identify mitigation strategies to reduce or eliminate disaster-related losses; and,
  3. Establish a coordinated process to implement the plan and take advantage of state and federal grant opportunities.


Public attendance is requested to provide feedback on suggested actions towards mitigating potential hazards. This will be the second public meeting.

For more information: