Clermont County proclaimed a Purple Heart community

On June 25, Commissioners designated Clermont County a Purple Heart county. The County joins Tate Township and the Village of Bethel as a Purple Heart Community.

This designation reflects the percentage of veterans who live in Clermont County, and the high level of support residents of the county give to our military and veterans.

Steve Thompson, who served as a sergeant in the Marine Corps on three tours of duty in Iraq from 2004-08, accepted the proclamation.He was injured by an IED during Project Phantom Fury in January 2005. Steve is now a social studies teacher at Clermont Northeastern High School.

Daniel Hof, who was wounded in 2005 in Iraq and is commander of Clermont County Post 156 of the Purple Heart, presented Commissioners with the banner shown in the above photo.

We appreciate the service these brave men have given to our country!