3:45 p.m. Feb. 26
The Clermont County Building Inspection Department has completed damage assessments in the communities impacted by the EF1 tornado that came through early Sunday. Those communities include Monroe Township, Washington Township, Franklin Township, and the Village of Felicity. The Building Department will provide a final number of structures impacted and estimated total value.
As the Ohio River recedes, the Building Department will be assessing the impact to homes and businesses in the Village of New Richmond, the Village of Neville, Monroe, Pierce and Ohio Townships.
The county and affected communities are transitioning into the recovery phase and will be coordinating debris-management efforts and long-term recovery activities in conjunction with faith-based and non-profit disaster relief agencies.
Roads: Road crews from ODOT, Clermont County Engineer’s Office, and local road and service departments will be cleaning up roads and rights-of-way impacted by flooding. Drivers must obey road closed signs, or face fines.
Property cleanup: The Emergency Management Agency in conjunction with the local public safety agencies will be coordinating with disaster relief organizations that specialize mucking-out and disaster recovery. More detailed information will be provided soon.
The Ohio River is at 59.2 feet at 2 p.m. Monday (Cincinnati gauge) and is continuing to fall. National Weather Service’s hydrograph: http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/hydrograph.php?wfo=iln&gage=ccno1
An EF-1 tornado touched down early Sunday morning near Felicity. It began along Neville Penn Schoolhouse Road. A second tornado also went into Brown County.
New Richmond is allowing residents and business owners to re-enter at their own risk. The water barricades are being moved back to provide a buffer from the water. Please refrain from driving on flooded roadways.
Duke Energy is working with local building officials on power restoration.
The Greater Cincinnati Red Cross at New Richmond High School will continue to operate. 14 people stayed overnight on Sunday.
Tri-State County Animal Response Team continues to operate a shelter at First Baptist Church of New Richmond Auxiliary Building, 1168 Bethel New Richmond Road.
The Villages of New Richmond and Moscow, and Franklin Township, Pierce Township, Ohio Township, Monroe Township, and Washington Township have declared an emergency. Clermont County has declared a state of emergency.
Gov. Kasich declared a state of emergency Saturday for multiple counties including Clermont.
People interested in donating or volunteering to help those that have been affected by the flooding should call 513.735.8500. At this time, we are taking information and will follow up when we are at the point that we can utilize the donations/volunteers.
Property owners are urged to be very careful before they hire a contractor. Contractors should be registered with the Secretary of State. They should be bonded and insured. Do not pay cash. Make sure you get a written estimate. Check the websites of the Ohio Attorney General and Better Business Bureau to see if there are any complaints. Other tips here.
See attached http://ema.clermontcountyohio.gov/announcements/
New Richmond: Greg Roberts, Village Administrator, groberts@newrichmond.org; 513.553.4146 X15.
Clermont County: Kathleen Williams, kwilliams@clermontcountyohio.gov; 513.490.6520