Clermont Sun: 06/08/2017 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS
The Board of Clermont County Commissioners will be accepting sealed bids for the purpose of establishing a contract for the furnishing and delivery of chemicals for the Clermont County Water Resources Department. All bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope marked: BID-FURNISHING AND DELIVERY OF CHEMICALS, and must be received in the Office of the Board of Clermont County Commissioners, 101 E. Main Street, Batavia, Ohio 45103, no later than 2:00 P.M. Local Time on Thursday, 6/22/2017, at which time all bids shall be opened and read aloud.
Instructions to bidders, specifications, and bid form outlining the terms and conditions of the proposed purchase may be obtained by interested bidders, during normal business hours; 8:00AM to 4:30PM, Monday through Friday at:
Clermont County Water Resources Department
Mark K. Day
4400 Haskell Lane
Batavia, Ohio 45103
(513) 732-7945
Pre Bid Conference: no pre-bid conference is scheduled for this project.
Each Bidder must submit their bid in TRIPLICATE, one (1) original and two (2) copies with each copy stamped “COPY”. A bid bond or certified check, cashier’s check or money order on a solvent bank or savings and loan association in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid, must accompany the bid.
All bids must comply with Clermont County General Instructions to Bidders in addition to the requirements set forth in the Specification Documents referenced herein in order to be considered.
Bid bonds must be filed with original signatures. Facsimile and electronic copies of the bid bond and power of attorney of the surety, certified check, cashier’s check or money order will be deemed non-responsive.
No Bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of sixty (60) days after the actual date of the opening thereof. Contract award shall be made to the lowest and best bid, or combination of bids, and award may be subject to applicable funding agency approval.
The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any or all bids. The contract shall become effective and services of the Contractor shall commence on said date of execution of contract and shall be in full force and effect for a period of one year from said date.
This notice will also be posted on Clermont County’s website at the following URL link: In order to view the legal notice please click on the link “Legal Notices” located on the Clermont County Home Page.
Clermont County Board of Commissioners
David H. Uible, President
Edwin H. Humphrey, Vice President
David L. Painter, Member
Judith Kocica