East Side Adventure Challenge returns May 13

BATAVIA, Ohio (April 18, 2017) – The East Side Adventure Challenge will return to Batavia Township on Saturday, May 13, at 8 a.m. at the Batavia Township Community Center, 535 Clough Pike.

The event costs $45 to sign up. Everyone who registers by May 1 will receive a race T-shirt, souvenir medal, and a free post-race meal.

The event, in its second year, is a combination obstacle course and run/walk.

“Last year was our first year, and the attendance exceeded our expectations,” said race coordinator Rex Parsons, who is also the administrator for Batavia Township. “We have changed the course this year and are making it even muddier, which is something people told us they wanted. We also have included water in some of our challenges this year too.”

In addition to the main race, there will be a smaller version, known as the Family Fun Adventure Challenge, which includes some of the same obstacles as the larger more challenging course.

“The Family Fun Challenge is meant to encourage families to exercise and enjoy the day together,”said Parsons.

A festival will follow each of the races with live music, food vendors, inflatable play areas, and a portable climbing wall. Clermont County Public Health is once again partnering with the township and will be giving away a limited supply of children’s bike helmets.

“We’d like to continue to build on the success of our first year, and make this year’s race bigger and better,” said Parsons. All of the proceeds will be donated to local charities. In 2016, $5,450 was donated to eight local charities.

For more information on the East Side Adventure Challenge, visit its Facebook page www.Facebook.com/EastSideAdventureChallenge, or register for the event at http://bit.ly/ESAC17.

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For more information, contact Keith Robinson, Clermont County Public Health Communications Coordinator at 513-732-7717 or ktrobinson@clermontcountyohio.gov.

Rex Parsons, Batavia Township Administrator at 513-732-3888 or rparsons@Bataviatownship.org.