BATAVIA, Ohio (Jan. 10, 2017) – Commissioner David Uible was elected President of the Clermont County Board of Commissioners on Jan. 9 at the board’s annual reorganizational meeting. Commissioner Ed Humphrey was named vice president, and will preside over BCC sessions in Commissioner Uible’s absence.
The BCC also voted to meet its obligations to conduct at least 50 regular sessions in 2017 by holding sessions on second and fourth Mondays of the month during the first half of the year, in addition to weekly Wednesday sessions throughout the year. Sessions are held at 10 a.m. at the County Administration Building.
Commissioners Uible and Humphrey welcomed newly elected Commissioner David Painter to the board, and both said they looked forward to working with him.
“During the last 5 years since I have been here — I can’t comment before that — I feel the board has been running smoothly,” said Commissioner Uible, thanking County Administrator Steve Rabolt in particular for the smooth day-to-day operations of the county. “I am optimistic about the county and board and look forward to serving as President this year.”
Commissioner Humphrey added, “The three of us have a wealth of knowledge that we can apply to our county government.”
Commissioner Painter, acknowledging that he was the “new kid on the block,” said, “I am confident that the issues that we have to decide on that come before this board, [my fellow commissioners] can provide how we got here and what that history is, and that will obviously help me do a better job.”
The reorganizational meeting was followed by the first Session of 2017. At that, the Commissioners approved the following 2017 appointments:
Commissioner Painter to the county Automatic Data Processing Board, the Board of Revision, the Investment Advisory Committee, the Septic System Rehabilitation Financing Committee, and the Area 12 Workforce Investment Board.
Commissioner Uible to the Investment Advisory Committee, Records Commission, and alternate to the Area 12 Workforce Investment Board.