March 1-7 is Severe Weather Awareness Week

Tree collapse after typhoon

Tree collapse after typhoon

BATAVIA, Ohio (Feb. 27, 2015) – This year the Ohio Severe Weather Awareness Week is March 1-7. This is a good time to review safety plans for flooding, tornadoes, and strong thunderstorms that occur in the spring and summer.

As part of Severe Weather Awareness Week, the Ohio Committee for Severe Weather Awareness is coordinating a statewide tornado drill at 9:50 a.m. Wednesday, March 4. However, Clermont County will not sound its outdoor warning sirens at that time. Instead, the county will activate its outdoor warning sirens at noon that day during the normal monthly siren test. Clermont County tests the outdoor warning sirens on the first Wednesday of each month at noon.

Clermont County Emergency Management Agency and Brown County Department of Public Safety will co-host a Weather Spotter Training at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 3, at Mount Orab Middle School, 472 W. Main St., Mount Orab. The event is free and open to the public. To register, contact the Clermont County EMA at 513-732-7661 or email

Content provided by:  Pam Haverkos, Clermont Emergency Management Agency Director,