BATAVIA, Ohio (Sept. 22, 2014) — Judge Kathleen M. Rodenberg is pleased to announce that the Clermont County Domestic Relations Court and University of Cincinnati College of Law will partner in a Law Clinic that will be held on the first Saturday of each month from 9 a.m. until noon at the Union Township Library. The first clinic will be held on Oct. 4, 2014.
“The Law Clinic will allow parties who are representing themselves to obtain assistance in reviewing legal documents before these documents are filed,” said Judge Rodenberg. “And it will also help law students gain experience in domestic relations law.”
“Law students will be available at the clinic to review documents and answer procedural questions,” said Karla Hall, Director of Legal Externships and Public Service at the University of Cincinnati College of Law, who worked with Judge Rodenberg to set up the clinic. Court personnel will be on hand to make sure that the necessary documents are in compliance. If the documents are in compliance, Court personnel will initial the required checklist enabling self-represented parties to mail their documents to the Clerk of Courts or file in person.
The Law Clinic is being offered in response to feedback from self-represented parties about the difficulty of completing the required court documents during Court hours. Domestic Relations Court is open 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Friday, which often conflicts with work schedules, noted Judge Rodenberg. Having documents checked for compliance often means more than one appointment with the Court’s compliance officer. “The Law Clinic will hopefully alleviate this back and forth for many self-represented parties when they need to bring a matter to the Court’s attention,” said Judge Rodenberg.
For more information, contact:
Kay Heile, Compliance Officer
About Domestic Relations Court:
The Clermont County Domestic Relations Court hears cases involving divorce, dissolution of marriage, annulment, legal separation and domestic violence civil protection orders. The Court maintains continuing jurisdiction over all matters concerning children of divorced parents, including all parenting issues (custody, parenting time and child support).