Second half taxes to be mailed

BATAVIA, Ohio (June 3, 2014) — Approximately 45,000 second-half real estate tax bills will be mailed on or about June 9, 2014, said Clermont County Treasurer J. Robert True. The deadline for payment, without penalty, is July 9. Taxes can be paid by mail or in person at the Treasurer’s Office on the second floor of the County Administration Building, 101 E. Main Street, Batavia, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Taxes may also be paid by credit card or e-check at or by phone 1-800-272-9829.

Treasurer True said payment of taxes will not be available at local banks as in the past.

A night deposit is located at the Main Street entrance of the Administration Building for payment of taxes after hours. Taxpayers with questions may call 513-732-7254 or email us at