Clermont County Health District receives Interact for Health Grant

The Clermont County General Health District recently announced it has received a $50,000 grant to enhance opportunities for physical activity and outdoor recreation in Clermont County. Interact for Health, a catalyst for health and wellness, provided the funding as part of its mission to improve the health of the Greater Cincinnati region. The grant will fund phase 3 of the Williamsburg to Batavia Hike Bike Trail and will enable resident to be more active.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that adults have 20 minutes of vigorous exercise three times each week, or 30 minutes of moderate exercise five times each week. In the Interact for Health service area, according to the 2010 Greater Cincinnati Community Health Status Survey, only 47 percent of area adults report they met these guidelines.

“Overall, our region has a good infrastructure of parks, playgrounds and trails,” said Jaime Love, program officer for healthy eating and active living at Interact for Health. “But these resources aren’t available in every area and opportunities exist for us to partner with organizations in ways to improve physical activity environments in our communities.”

“Interact for Health wants to help people get up and moving by creating more places they can go to be physically active,” said Love. “Providing increased access to safe places to exercise will result in an overall healthier community.”

“Phase 3 of the Williamsburg to Batavia Hike Bike Trail will add an additional 1.2 miles of trail that will connect with Greenbriar Road and provide a way to connect UC East and the YMCA to the trail”, said Julianne Nesbit, Health Commissioner for the Clermont County General Health District. “The knowledge that 1.2 miles of trail has the ability to open up approximately 8 miles of continuous hiking or biking makes this a wonderful opportunity for the county. Phase 3 will have a significant impact on the community to increase access and opportunities for physical activity.”

The Clermont County General Health District is one of eleven organizations throughout the 20-county region to receive a grant to plan, build or enhance play and fitness areas.