Have you ever been concerned about a health issue? Have you ever felt that something could be done about a particular health concern in your community? Now is the time to provide your input on the Clermont County Community Health Improvement Plan. The plan will guide health system partners over the next five years to work on the top priority issues in the county. It is important that strategies be developed to address the concerns that the community feels are important. Last year the Clermont County Health District completed a Community Health Assessment which collected data and information from numerous public health system partners to paint a picture of the current health status of Clermont County. The document will be used to assist in identifying the major areas of concern and opportunities for improvement, and to monitor health trends over time. The complete report, as well as a two page summary can be found on the Health District website.
Residents are being asked to review the summary and take an online, anonymous survey on what they believe are the major health issues in the county. The survey is only 10 questions and should take no more than a few minutes to complete. The results will be compiled along with results collected from community meetings throughout the county and will be used to pick the top priorities. The Community Health Improvement Plan planning committee will develop goals, objectives, and strategies to work towards improving the health of the county. The survey can be accessed on the Health District website at www.clermonthealthdistrict.org or you can provide input directly by calling 513-732-7499. Planning and implementation of a Community Health Improvement Plan requires a community-wide effort and the Health District is encouraging everyone to do their part.