During regular session on Wednesday, March 5th, the Board of County Commissioners issued a proclamation to recognize March 2nd through March 8th as Spring Severe Weather Awareness Week in Clermont County. Citizens are encouraged to prepare for the tornados and strong storms that typically occur during spring and summer. “The March 2, 2012 tornado is a reminder that severe weather can happen anytime, anywhere,” said Clermont Emergency Management Agency (EMA) Director Pam Broughton. “Individuals, families, schools, and businesses should have a disaster plan and take the time to practice it. It is important that people know where to go when severe weather threatens our area.”
As part of the observance of Severe Weather Awareness Week, there will be a statewide tornado drill scheduled to occur at 9:50 a.m. on Wednesday, March 5, 2014. However, Clermont County will not be testing the outdoor warning sirens at that time. The County will activate the outdoor warning sirens at noon on March 5th during the normal monthly siren test. The County tests the outdoor warning sirens on the first Wednesday of each month at 12:00 p.m.
The Ohio Committee for Severe Weather Awareness reports the safest place to be during a tornado or strong storm is in a basement. If the building has no basement or cellar, go to a small, room that is centrally located on the lowest level of the building. This can be an area such as a closet or bathroom. If you are in a vehicle or mobile home, get out immediately and go to go to the lowest floor of a sturdy, nearby building or a storm shelter. For additional information on severe weather safety and preparedness, visit the website www.weathersafety.ohio.gov.