The Clermont County Health District has been awarded a five year grant by the Ohio Department of Health Violence and Injury Prevention Program to address unintentional prescription drug overdoses. In 2012, 52% of unintentional poisoning deaths in Clermont County involved prescription drugs and the majority of drug related deaths are accidental in nature. Many residents have been impacted by the loss of a loved one as a result of drug poisonings and the increasing use of heroin in the county is making this an ideal time to take action.
The overall goal is to reduce the number of prescription drug overdoses in Clermont County. Grant objectives will focus on coalition building, injury surveillance, policy enactment, systems change, education, and media advocacy. The majority of funding will support a staff person to coordinate efforts and work on program initiatives throughout the county. The Health District was one of only three agencies in Ohio to receive the funding to focus on prescription drug overdoses. Julianne Nesbit, Health Commissioner, stated “Drug use and overdoses are continuing to increase in the county and the impact of drug abuse is affecting agencies throughout the county including law enforcement, emergency medical services, healthcare, treatment services, the court system and Children’s Protective Services. Drug abuse has reached epidemic proportions and has become a serious public health issue. The Health District is excited to receive this funding and is looking forward to working with existing initiatives through the Clermont County Drug Free Coalition, Clermont County Opiate Task Force, Clermont County Mental Health and Recovery Board and key partners throughout the county.”
Questions concerning the new grant or the Health District’s Injury Prevention program can be made to 513-732-7499 or to If you have questions concerning drug abuse or treatment resources in the county, please contact the Mental Health and Recovery Board at 513-732-5400.