Because live Christmas trees use carbon neutral production, are made locally, and can be easily recycled, they are more eco-friendly than their artificial counterparts, which are often manufactured overseas and don’t decompose.
When the holidays are over, make sure you treecycle; treecycling is the act of recycling your cut Christmas tree, so that it can be used as compost or mulch. Trees contain valuable nutrients that can be used in many other capacities. The trees can get a second life after they are chipped (used for mulch and hiking trails), become a fish habitat, or are utilized for beachfront erosion or shoreline stabilization projects.
Locally, many communities and the Clermont County Park District are offering opportunities for you to treecycle. But before you take your tree to a collection site or haul it to the curb for pick-up, please be sure to remove all lights, tinsel and decorations.
Clermont County recycling opportunities:
• Amelia: Curbside pick-up is available Wednesday, December 26 and January 2. Trees must be cleared of all decorations.
• Loveland: City residents can call 683-0150 for curbside tree pick-up from January 2nd through January 15th.
• Miami Township: Residents can bring Christmas trees cleared of all decorations to either Paxton Ramsey Park or Miami Meadows for chipping. Trees can be dropped off seven days a week during daylight hours from December 26 through January 31. Call (513) 248-3728 with questions.
• Milford: Christmas tree collection will be held every Wednesday in January. Please rid the tree of all lights, tinsel, and decorations, and place it at the curb. Trees not meeting the above requirements will be left at the curb and not collected. If you have any questions, please call (513) 831-7018.
• Pierce Township: Pierce Township residents can bring trees to the Pierce Township Hall after Christmas through the third week in January. The drop-off area will be in the parking lot closest to the ball fields and will be clearly marked.
• Stonelick Township: Stonelick Township residents can drop their trees that have been cleared of all decorations at the Clermont County Fairgrounds near the horse barns from December 26 through January 10. Signs will be posted. The drop off area will be roped off. Please call (513) 732-3299 with any questions.
• Union Township: Union Township residents can drop off trees behind the Police Department, 4312 Glen Este-Withamsville Road. The drop-off days are January 1 through January 31. The drop-off area will be clearly marked and all trees must be cleared of all decorations. If you have any questions, please contact the Service Department at (513) 753-2221.
• Pattison Park, Clermont County Park District: County residents can drop off trees lakeside at Pattison Park, December 26 through January 13. Please remove all decorations prior to drop-off.