Barbara Barrett, Senior Investigator with the U.S. Department of Labor, and Melanie Breen, Enforcement Supervisor U.S. EEOC, will be conducting their popular Human Resources Seminar at Workforce One of Clermont County on Thursday, May 16th, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.. This training is designed for human resources professionals and business owners to learn the latest information on labor and discrimination laws. The main topics of discussion will be the Fair Labor Standards Act and the latest changes ushered in by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Open questions are welcome!
The event is offered at no charge, however it is necessary to register in advance of the session. To register to attend, contact Cathy Sahlfeld, Business Services Manager at Workforce One of Clermont County, at or by calling 513-943-3721.
Workforce One of Clermont County is located at 756 Old State Route 74, Cincinnati, OH 45245. For more information on the facility or directions, visit the website at services.